dang, i am totally in love with this lakorn :wub: :wub: :wub: can't get enough of it.
at first i was really excited to watch Aff and Aum again and they are absolutely lovely together! lol, they make
me laugh so much, and they're so cute!
Ah Joo is just one of the most loveable characters ever! OMG! i feel like crying everytime his dad says mean stuff to him!

it's so sad! Joo's life is so sad..
omg, Ah La is soooo gorgeous! i love that girl! she's so cute! i don't think i've ever seen her in another lakorn before..
hm Pong is from Oum Ruk right? i almost didn't recognize him, he looks much better in here.
omfg, i can't stand the two brothers! :angry: i just want to smack their stupid arrogant faces every scene they're in. :arrg: and the dad too. can you say blind!!! :angry: :angry:
haha, i'm so glad Yong is nice to Joo now. before i felt so bad he got bullied by her, even though she's so cute as a tomboy, haha...
i'm really loving all the "family-ness" that is shown in the story! it just makes it more fun and moving to watch.
just saw the preview for epi. 9 (subbed) and omg, can't wait to watch Yong beat up the brother! muahahahahaha!
aw, but it's sad, the look of Joo when he said he was the blacksheep. he has it so much worse than Yong...
*gasp* i hope that A Nai is wrong, that when Yong's family find out that Joo only began working there to learn about Ngiew to write his novel, i hope they won't get mad and throw him out, since he didn't do any harm and has only been a good and caring worker for them >< please don't let them hate him for that!