Why Sarnies' Girls / Women want to vote for McCain/Palin ?


omg, look what i ran into in Soompi .. look at these people. UNBELIEVABLE :eek:


all these racist remarks -- its' getting scary.

more racist remark : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPg0VCg4AEQ
OMG .. THIS IS scary but funny at the same time : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjxzmaXAg9E <--there's this one that said that she heard of PALIN like a day ago, then later said 3 years ago >.<

awe, its' the PROUD TO BE AMERICAN song -- remind me of WHAT BEING CITIZEN OF USA mean ..

another one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bky2SGrmC8g...feature=related

for the uncertain voters .. pretty much, like this senator said, vote it b/c you WANT IT after a deep analysis : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQHoT5odE0s

smear news by ABC.COM : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9WoGfS20l4
You can't be surprised. Is America ready for change? *shrugg* If Obama does become president, I don't doubt that there will be some violence. .. Honestly, I'm SCARED. Whoever wins. If McCain/Palin wins the election---ahdbfajnfajbvjbhf. I wouldn't be so uneasy about McCain had he not picked Palin for VP. There's a lot of things that can be said against her or said just to disagree with her. BUT mines very simple and to me it's something conservatives and liberals can agree on, because this isn't about positions/views, it's something that can't be categorized into either consevative or liberal. It's universal and that's intelligence! I highly question her intelligence. Rep who said she's intelligent enough to hold the vp office let alone P office is in denial. Politicians are just so thick-faced. they talk about having experience, but somehow they ignore the knowledge factor. Since when was the knowledge factor not important. I think it's obvious who's smarter between the two tickets. Even adding experience, which ticket is more well-rounded.... On the other hand, if Obama does win the election. the age old issue in American history. Something to worry about. But. *shrugg* We have to move forward. I guess we'll finally see how far America has come depending on our reactions on Nov 4. Will it be over economic or social/racist issues. Scary. But pretty exciting.

BTW. The comments in those videos. DELUSIONAL.


Staff member
reason why i didn't say i'm all for obama is b/c i am and my parent already picked him before i make up my mind. for the record, i pick obama b/c there are certain things i agree with, not due to my parent influences. 8 years ago, they voted for Bush :p --- now they want change. They're not republican nor democratic, they're like some of us here, whoever offer the best solution, then they'll sway toward that way.

there's another clip of John MCCAIN being interviewed by ABC that might help with the 90% of the time voting comment --- saw it on youtube last night.
wish i can trace back to get it .. :(

joe the plumber interview ''SOCIAL SECURITY is a JOKE" : http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/...owell.obama.cnn

smear persuasion. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/...owell.obama.cnn
yesterday, my mother called me up and she told me about this event in SoCal called "children for obama" where they have this carnival type of event for children (full of painting, games, crafts, etc. targeted at children) who are supposedly in favor of obama...my first reaction was: wth? how do really young children (my mother said that it showed children as young as age 4 or so) know who to be in favor of? the parents are simply using their children to make it seem that "oh, look, innocent children are in favor of obama, and children are so innocent and angelic; they can't judge wrongly" to try and get more people to view obama favorably...after all, where there are children, people tend to soften right? it's ridiculous, in my opinion...


Assuming that these kids are brain washed by their parents, we are also conditioned & influenced by the media right ? it's nothing more than brainwashing too.
What is the conclusion for you Natty ? For me, it's very simple: "Human nature is weak" & can easily be manipulated.

Your parents are pro-republicans ? So are you.
Your parents are pro-democrats ? So are you.

Until here, i still didn't hear some Sarnies who dare to say: "I am for Obama but my parents are for Republicans" or vice-versa with McCain.

Have I been conditioned for Democrats when I was young ? No.

I have been conditioned by media(tv news, documentary films, internet, newspapers...), with facts & numbers, with human losses & war, with lies & scandals with US gov. since Bush gov. got elected.

I also like when McCain said he is not Bush but : "I voted with the President over 90% of the time" (video here)
I am still wondering what's left with the 10% ? Maybe his personal interest / or belief ?

See Natty ? I admit that I've been conditioned.

It's not with complains what we can change our lives nor change our world right ? It's more with ACTIONS and what we want to do in life.
Does it make me happy to pay more tax ? No, but I have to contribute to the society & for myself.
Do I think that I am already rich ? No, very far from that.

I like McCain slogan: "Yes/Because, We Can".
si, si, truly. ^_^ such as... :rolleyes:

* I Can vote because i have no reasons why I do Love/wanna vote for McCain & Palin, (but simply conditioned by my parents/friends/media)

I love this slogan too becos i do believe that Everybody can do something with their lives... such as...

* I can swim,
* I can dance Salsa,
* I can choose to live a healthier life,
* I can drive a car,
* I can help ppl. in need.
* I can choose what subjects to study at school... etc...

then, Yes, We CAN ! --- EVERYBODY CAN !

But unfortunately, I cannot change the world, that's sad, :( but i often thought i could when i was young...

Can McCain make America for a better one ? probably, becos lots of ppl. believe that he is capable of, he is old & has experiences blablabla... and was a veteran of Vietnam blablabla...

I admire all veterans too... Veterans of Vietnam, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq... and what's the next country ? maybe Iran ?

Does it make me happy to see them with 1 leg or arm left ?
Does it make me happy to see children growing up without their daddy (who was dead during war ) ?
Does it make me happy to see those racists who are pro-Palin/McCain ?? (check out cecilia's video)
Does it make me happy to see catastrophic US economy since 1929 ? and those ppl. who can't pay their loans ? lost their homes ? queuing for having free healthcare ?

Who cares... afterall... Should I complain more about US ? i think that's enough right ?

We are all so blind with our convictions & beliefs.... right Natty ? ^_^ including myself.

aww see how you assume that i'm a republican cus maybe my parents are republican and or that children are a particular party cus their parents are.... well that's the thing with brain washing.. parents tend to teach their kids to belief in their views right?

as for mccain voting with bush 90% of the time.. well have you ever thought that it could be because they are republican.. from the same party.. could it be that party sticks together? (i'm just saying could it be.. not that it is).. like could it be that obama voted against bush so so percentage of the time cus he's a democrat and usually you're supposed to vote against the other party.. that's why there's party.. could it be? maybe.. or maybe not..

but anyways.. i already said that i'm voting for mccain cus he's a republican.. unfortunate or fortunate, i'm one who sticks with my party.. as with many republicans AND democrats.. there's no other reason to it (well maybe obama's universal healthcare and tax raising on certain brackets displeases me too cus i'm too selfish).. that's just how it is.. but anyways i'm not all blinded and do agree with colin powel that the republican for the past 10 years or so has diminished.. personally for me (just me), i think we (republicans) need to get back to our founding fathers of what our party stood for.. conservatism.. but that's just me.. too many mavericks these days.. good bad? dont know.. so this term.. i don't think i really care who will be president.. how worst can it get? the world's economy is crumbling.. not just the u.s.. but we're so up in ourselves that we think we're the only one having crisis.. so either this term president.. whoever it is nor does it really matter.. will fix it in this term or the next term.. if you're at the lowest, there's no where to go but back up... and another thing.. i am really against any bailouts.. we dont need to bail people out by borrowing money from other country.. there's enough debt as it is.. we need to create jobs.. tax the hell out of those companies that out source, cap their ceo salaries, cap their product price so that their increase of tax wont come back to the consumers... and i agree that we just need to pull our troops back..we can start drilling in our own backyard if we need oil so much.....also who gives a rat butt about other countries' misery.. let them fend for themselves.. if their dictator wanted to genocide his own people, who cares.. like what others said, not our problem, fix our own dang economy first.. us first... so yeah.... so yeah until obama say that is what he's going to do, then i see no reason to switch over in this election...

but anyways.... thai-lakorn-fan-forever, that's nothing new right now.. at another forum i was talking about how the elementary in my area murrieta/ temecula called a pta meeting couple of months ago about kids fighting and throwing hate insults to one another regarding the candidates.. it was in our local newspaper, people were talking about it at restaurants.. but apparently some kids asked the other kids who their parents are voting for.. and if they say obama.. then you get "you're parents are voting for him cus he's black" or if they said mccain, you get "you're parents aren't voting for obama cus he's black and they are racist".... it was a big issue.. some kids got suspended for giving the other black eyes ect.. horrible.. and these are only elementary kids!


sarNie Adult
aww see how you assume that i'm a republican cus maybe my parents are republican and or that children are a particular party cus their parents are.... well that's the thing with brain washing.. parents tend to teach their kids to belief in their views right?

as for mccain voting with bush 90% of the time.. well have you ever thought that it could be because they are republican.. from the same party.. could it be that party sticks together? (i'm just saying could it be.. not that it is).. like could it be that obama voted against bush so so percentage of the time cus he's a democrat and usually you're supposed to vote against the other party.. that's why there's party.. could it be? maybe.. or maybe not..

but anyways.. i already said that i'm voting for mccain cus he's a republican.. unfortunate or fortunate, i'm one who sticks with my party.. as with many republicans AND democrats.. there's no other reason to it (well maybe obama's universal healthcare and tax raising on certain brackets displeases me too cus i'm too selfish).. that's just how it is.. but anyways i'm not all blinded and do agree with colin powel that the republican for the past 10 years or so has diminished.. personally for me (just me), i think we (republicans) need to get back to our founding fathers of what our party stood for.. conservatism.. but that's just me.. too many mavericks these days.. good bad? dont know.. so this term.. i don't think i really care who will be president.. how worst can it get? the world's economy is crumbling.. not just the u.s.. but we're so up in ourselves that we think we're the only one having crisis.. so either this term president.. whoever it is nor does it really matter.. will fix it in this term or the next term.. if you're at the lowest, there's no where to go but back up... and another thing.. i am really against any bailouts.. we dont need to bail people out by borrowing money from other country.. there's enough debt as it is.. we need to create jobs.. tax the hell out of those companies that out source, cap their ceo salaries, cap their product price so that their increase of tax wont come back to the consumers... and i agree that we just need to pull our troops back..we can start drilling in our own backyard if we need oil so much.....also who gives a rat butt about other countries' misery.. let them fend for themselves.. if their dictator wanted to genocide his own people, who cares.. like what others said, not our problem, fix our own dang economy first.. us first... so yeah.... so yeah until obama say that is what he's going to do, then i see no reason to switch over in this election...
Hi Natty,

Thanks for sharing natty, thanks for filling my hunger :drool: for the need to know "things*" & the reasons why.
I start to admire Colin Powell, this man who first showed a powder of "WMD" in front of UN counsel to give reasons to go for war in Iraq.

Nowadays, he got a courage to look back (his life) and admit the failure of Bush. gov., admit that he was for the war, and now will vote for Obama (even though he is Republican!).

* Some ppl. stick to their party like they believe in God.
* Each breathing is the sound of their party name/slogan.
* Each convention is an opportunity to destroy
other party & criticize.
* Each family meeting is a good moment to brain wash
even more our children... until being "racist".

Are we open-minded enough nowadays ??? :unsure: or prefer to stick to our human condition comfortably & belief like a fanatic ?

Credit to Group news blog here

Fanatics really have no limit...
indeed, they are pro-White Conservatism with their White House spirit.

I simply hope you are not racist Natty, ^_^


ok what did i say or who to vote for made you ask or hope that i'm not a racist? last i check.. i'm not black nor am i white... and thank you for calling me a fanatic... i so appreciate the attack..

and fyi.. collin powell was only a republican for the past 10 or so years.. he wasn't a republican all his life..


in response to anan's posted response to my initial post:

i do have health insurance...but i oppose how obama want s to be so forceful on the issue of healthcare...he wants it to be universal which = low-quality...i prefer to pay, on my own accord, for better quality healthcare, thank you

and as for the issue of how much income i make; as of right now, none...lol...but in two years, i will -- which, if obama does win, will be during his presidency, so yes, what he proposes will affect me...but, no i won't be making $42,000 as you stated...i'm nearly done with my studying to be a cosmetic surgeon... actually, i don't completely understand why you thought i made $42,000 in the first place...would you care to explain?
wow nice, u're gonna be a plactic surgeon, congrats on your upcoming accomplishments.

ok, but since i'm already in the field... no no, i'm not a plastic surgeon, i mean i'm in the working field. i know that you will need experience to get $$$$... yahhh and to graduate and get $250,000+ your first year? wow, that's pretty god damn amazing, sorry for my enthusiasm. have you done your residency yet? or are u just finishing up medical school? or did you just get your degree? it's a long path before you see that $$$$... and before u can ever get someone's trust to pay you that much! however, if you've already been thru the precedings, then yes, i understand why u are not so happy with the tax increase... but frankly, if u're a resident, i doubt u'll have time to even come on sw. well unless u're very good ;)

and to justify your healthcare situation... if u are going to med school to be a regular surgeon, and being paid with insurance, then ok it is understandable... because doctors will not get much benefits in universal healthcare because there is no higher level healthcare, we are all the same. which i think we should be the same, hell, just because i wasn't born with a god damn silver spoon in my mouth, i want to be treated like one and not like some homeless hobo. and those having to pay out of pocket will not have to, so they can finally afford to pay for that house they have 15 more years of mortgage on, so they can pass it to their child or kids and so on and so forth.

for a cosmetic surgery, from what i know, those are paid for out of pocket, so your salary will probably not be affected because there will still be people willing to empty out their pockets for a rhinoplasty or breast lift. now, after u've probably banked $150,000-$249,000 for the first 5-6 years after residency, u may decide to establish your own office or work for some already well known cosmetic surgey office that pays you loads then, i see the fair share... u get enough to pay enough tax. so i'd say, if obama is elected, i don't think he'd affect you for a while, and by then, he's probably out of office. but who knows, if elected, he might do so well that you actually think u should've voted for him instead of your alternative choice.

for example, Joe the plumber, he had no idea what the hell he was preaching in front of the cameras, and he concluded "i'll do well off with obama's proposals versus mccain's if he's elected and follows thru with his promises". again, we never know who the hell is going to do what, we compare the promises and see who is worth a shot, because they both can just say whatever now just to get elected and turn into another "Bush" when then are in the presidency role.

i am really against any bailouts.. we dont need to bail people out by borrowing money from other country.. there's enough debt as it is.. we need to create jobs.. tax the hell out of those companies that out source, cap their ceo salaries, cap their product price so that their increase of tax wont come back to the consumers... and i agree that we just need to pull our troops back..we can start drilling in our own backyard if we need oil so much.....also who gives a rat butt about other countries' misery.. let them fend for themselves.. if their dictator wanted to genocide his own people, who cares.. like what others said, not our problem, fix our own dang economy first.. us first... so yeah.... so yeah until obama say that is what he's going to do, then i see no reason to switch over in this election...
i hear ya, i don't like the idea of the bailout either, because it's our tax money paying for stupidity which can be blamed on many things which we've discussed about on the other thread, which, unfortunately, was accidently deleted and had nothing to do with the debate what-so-ever. however, both candidates have to propose something that needs to be done, something to address the financial crisis our country is going thru because this is one of the top priorities of our country which impacts ALL other countries.

it's funny, what i've bolded, if i've not mistaken, he said EXACTLY that at the last debate. he wants to increase taxed those large corporations that outsource their jobs to other countries, giving more jobs to people in china or thailand and depriving those legal US residents and citizens of jobs in "our" own country. and this is while mccain are just going to give more money to those companies making shit loads of money and not doing anything for the people of the USA by giving them jobs... it's just insane how the unemployment number is doubling but yet we applaud companies that does nothing for its citizens but cut back and outsource... and why are they doing this? to maximize profit for themselves, why should they care about others?

yeah, it's great to be selfish, because in the end we all live in our own bubble and unfortunate things can never occur to me as an individual. it's just not natural to be sick. well i have the money anyways...i can cure it :huh:

wake up call, we are either buried 6 foot under, or cremated, money doesn't follow us... so truly are u selfish? because maybe u're making and saving all that money for your child? but eh, since we are looking like we'll be soon the next 3rd world country, why bother? that money will be worth $0.00 by that time. ;)


Staff member
^yes. inflation, inflation. US money is worth less than POUND .. i mean, it was never worth that much in comparison to other nations but now, US money is getting less value than some of it competitive country. (as said by my sociology professor)

anyone vote yet? .. i went in and did my early vote. don't' want to rush and don't' want to be one of those ppl who talk and don't act upon it.

an article to think about :

The Little Known Truth of Barack Obama's Legislative Record

As we all know, Barack Obama hasn't passed any major legislation. He's inexperienced, never done anything. We know this. We know it because John McCain and Sarah Palin, bless her accomplished heart, have said so. And so, we know.

Far be it from me not to take their word for it, but I decided to check things out. And shockingly... it doesn't turn out to be true! Really. So, take a guess on how much legislation Barack Obama has sponsored in the United States Senate, which has become law.

C'mon, take a guess.

Nope, sorry, take another guess.

Barack Obama has authored or co-sponsored 579 bills in Washington. And as a state senator, he sponsored 820 laws for Illinois.

That's 1,399 bills in all. Not bad for someone who apparently had done zero -- okay, according to his opponents.

I know, I know. Those 820 are just for a "state," so they don't really count. Except... well, wait, a "state" is what Sarah Palin is governor of. (At least for 21 months.) So if sponsoring pesky "state" laws doesn't count, what in the world does she have on her resume then? Other than ethics violations.

Besides, y'know, Illinois is an awfully big state. If someone passes a law there, it does affect the lives of 26 million people.

And, yipes, it turns out that there is a wide-ranging record of bipartisan laws he's co-sponsored, as well, working across the aisles with Republicans. Go figure, who knew?!

Okay, first, let's look at Barack Obama's 579 Senate bills. (To be fair, some of these are pending -- the U.S. Senate works slooowly...)

But here are just a few highlights of the ones that have passed.

With Russ Feingold, Sen. Obama helped put together and co-sponsor the Obama/Feingold 2007 Ethics Reform Law, which curbed lobbying abuses. The bill was perhaps the most sweeping ethics reform since Watergate.

Mr. Obama joined forces with Republican Richard Lugar as original co-sponsors of the landmark bill that improved the government's ability to detect and destroy Weapons of Mass Destruction, keeping them from terrorists.

Working across the aisle again, this time, with Republican Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama authored a provision to secure vulnerable nuclear weapons and nuclear material around the world, protecting them from terrorists.

Sen. Obama also wrote the legislation for his Homes for Heroes Act and SAVE Act, that increased services for homeless veterans.

Shockingly, it turns out that John McCain is also wrong about Barack Obama not being willing to go against his party. You see, Mr. Obama sponsored an amendment that required lobbyist disclosures. And as the NY Times wrote, "The disclosure idea's lead sponsor, Senator Barack Obama... 'has not been the most popular person in our caucus in the last couple of weeks,' said a Democratic aide involved in deliberations over the bill."

Gee. Apparently, it seems, Barack Obama has been willing to buck his own party. And work across the aisle. And sponsor and pass important legislation. And there are 574 other bills -- some large, some smaller, but all can be found on State Surge.

Meanwhile, his record as a senator in Illinois has an impressive 820 bills that impacted the lives of countless millions, as well. By the way, for fact buffs: the 13th District he represented was alone comprised of 653,457 people -- the same as the entire state of Alaska.

In Illinois, with its 26 million citizens, Barack Obama co-sponsored bipartisan campaign finance reforms, that the Chicago Tribune referred to as "the most sweeping good-government legislation in decades." He co-sponsored a bipartisan, groundbreaking ethics reform law and was the main sponsor of the Health Care Justice Act. As co-chairman of a bipartisan committee, Sen. Obama also helped pass predatory mortgage lending reforms, which prevent foreclosures. (Hmm, that was forward thinking. Ya think? But, tosh, it was just a "state" law...) He sponsored laws that raised tax credits for low-income workers, that improved childcare subsidies for the KidCare Program (bringing health care to 70,000 uncovered children), and that reformed welfare. And he co-sponsored the Equal Pay Act for women.

Further, Mr. Obama sponsored bipartisan legislation that made Illinois the first state to require videotaping of capital cases, and bipartisan laws for monitoring racial profiling.

This list goes endlessly on. A total of 820 laws in all. FactCheck.org has detailed descriptions.

None of this is to place a value judgment on the 579 federal laws Barack Obama authored or co-sponsored. Nor is it to equate state laws with federal. It's merely to address the false impression that the McCain campaign has tried to put forth that Sen. Obama has sponsored no important legislation in the U.S. Senate, never been able to work across the aisle and largely sat in the Illinois Senate voting "present."

Put whatever value you wish on the 1,399 laws Barack Obama has helped sponsor. Decide for yourself what is a "major" law. From ethics reform to safeguarding WMD to child health care to home foreclosure protection, and much more, you have a great many laws to choose from.

It's up to you to decide if passing laws in a state of 26 million people shows a person's interests, initiative and abilities and helps set precedents. In truth, Illinois state laws do not cover a nation - they just cover 9% of the nation's population.

In the end, there is only one simple point to this. Honesty. That anyone who suggests that Barack Obama has been ineffectual in his 12-year career as an elected representative, sponsoring no important legislation, unable to work across party lines, unwilling to go against his party, and avoiding taking stances by voting "present" -- then that person doesn't know what they are talking about. Or is lying.
credit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-j-eli...f_b_136516.html
a COMEDY clip to laugh at : http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index....?videoId=188635
Credit: jon stewart comedy central site.


Expired Sarnie
There are some good quality of McCain and Obama. If these two would combine maybe it would be better that way. I don't totally agree with Obama with a few of his ideas and same goes to McCain. I am voting still unsure of who to vote for but I want to vote NO on PROP 8 and NO to PROP 4. For those who're confused on my topic, I'm a Californian.

Why NO on PROP 8, I don't mind gay marriage. What is the big problem and don't rub religion on me. Is god going to send everyone to hell because they chose to marry the same sex. Come on, protect marriage, how can you be protecting marriage when you want to prevent people wishes to marry the same sex.

Continue later...


sarNie Adult
ok what did i say or who to vote for made you ask or hope that i'm not a racist? last i check.. i'm not black nor am i white... and thank you for calling me a fanatic... i so appreciate the attack..
Hi again Natty,

first of all, i never said or mention "you [Natty] is a fanatic" right ? i simply generalize your topic which i found very interesting about brain washing & what it may lead nowadays... yes to the extreme like fanatic & racist.

When I said "i hope you are not racist", i also hope for every Sarnie here. becos i can't stand/bear racist ppl. that's it. <_< , it even makes me more sick to see these Republicans so racist.(see video). And it's not an personal attack (you forgot the verb "hope").

G'nite everyone :)


well fortunately for me noungning, i spend what i make and save for my children too, if i get the chance the have them, if not, i have relatives, friends, and charities to distribute too.. or just travel a little more ... and yes it's true that money cant follow us to our graves, but i'm not letting it just sit in investments and banks.. that's where all my traveling and other things come into play.. i believe in work hard, play just as hard..

as for obama proposing what i proposed, i'll go and watch his debate.. i have it recorded but havent yet watch.. we have 2 weeks to go.. who knows.. if i like what he said about taxing the heck out of companies that outsource.. i may do the unthinkable and cross over..

but as of date, we all know obama is going to win.. so americans.. brace yourself for changes.. hopefully there will be..


natty, we always hope for the obvious, but sometimes it can shock us.

yes, work hard, play hard... that's how i saw life too. but recently with all the costs of living ballooning into one big glob of mess that makes my life alter from one way to another. i guess it means work harder times 2 just to do what i've done before... but hey, work hard times 2 but sometimes not even making enough to do what i've done before! now that's something. i guess i should be grateful to still have a job because i am a part of the tiniest state but yet we have the highest unemployment rate in the nation.

and yes, do check out the debate, i believe obama and mccain has made some key points to back themselves up. and also many points to address the debates we've had since the late "election 2008" thread. and like u, if i found mccain proposing a promising future, i do not mind voting for him because i'm neither democrat nor republican...i just like to side with what i believe will not only benefit me but my family and a lot more people i know.

and i applaud u for thinking of donating your money to charity if all else fails. ;)


Professional Lakorn Watcher
I'm worried about my aging parents. All their life, they have always been hard working adults working in farms and now working in factories using human strength, power, sweat, blood, and tears. They do not have those fancy jobs behind a desk or jobs that only requires brain power. They have brittle and cracked hands and feet from working hard, to live the American dream; to make the lives of their children better.

They have a beautiful house and nice cars, and that's because they work their asses off to get where they're at. Their income exceeds $40,000, only because they do over-time, pulling 12-14 hours per day. The issue that hits home for me is taxes. I don't want to see my parents being over-taxed. I don't want to see their tax dollars going towards people who don't deserve it! They work too damn hard to be stripped of their money. Maybe, just maybe in the future they can retire and stay on social security, but at the rate of America's social and economic issues, that looks pretty grim too. So all they've got now is their savings and their investments. I hope that whomever the new President is, that he does not take that away too.

I am still studying and going over each candidates and their proposals. Whoever can promise tax relief for hard working Americans will get my vote.
wow nice, u're gonna be a plactic surgeon, congrats on your upcoming accomplishments.

ok, but since i'm already in the field... no no, i'm not a plastic surgeon, i mean i'm in the working field. i know that you will need experience to get $$$$... yahhh and to graduate and get $250,000+ your first year? wow, that's pretty god damn amazing, sorry for my enthusiasm. have you done your residency yet? or are u just finishing up medical school? or did you just get your degree? it's a long path before you see that $$$$... and before u can ever get someone's trust to pay you that much! however, if you've already been thru the precedings, then yes, i understand why u are not so happy with the tax increase... but frankly, if u're a resident, i doubt u'll have time to even come on sw. well unless u're very good ;)

and to justify your healthcare situation... if u are going to med school to be a regular surgeon, and being paid with insurance, then ok it is understandable... because doctors will not get much benefits in universal healthcare because there is no higher level healthcare, we are all the same. which i think we should be the same, hell, just because i wasn't born with a god damn silver spoon in my mouth, i want to be treated like one and not like some homeless hobo. and those having to pay out of pocket will not have to, so they can finally afford to pay for that house they have 15 more years of mortgage on, so they can pass it to their child or kids and so on and so forth.

for a cosmetic surgery, from what i know, those are paid for out of pocket, so your salary will probably not be affected because there will still be people willing to empty out their pockets for a rhinoplasty or breast lift. now, after u've probably banked $150,000-$249,000 for the first 5-6 years after residency, u may decide to establish your own office or work for some already well known cosmetic surgey office that pays you loads then, i see the fair share... u get enough to pay enough tax. so i'd say, if obama is elected, i don't think he'd affect you for a while, and by then, he's probably out of office. but who knows, if elected, he might do so well that you actually think u should've voted for him instead of your alternative choice.

for example, Joe the plumber, he had no idea what the hell he was preaching in front of the cameras, and he concluded "i'll do well off with obama's proposals versus mccain's if he's elected and follows thru with his promises". again, we never know who the hell is going to do what, we compare the promises and see who is worth a shot, because they both can just say whatever now just to get elected and turn into another "Bush" when then are in the presidency role.

i hear ya, i don't like the idea of the bailout either, because it's our tax money paying for stupidity which can be blamed on many things which we've discussed about on the other thread, which, unfortunately, was accidently deleted and had nothing to do with the debate what-so-ever. however, both candidates have to propose something that needs to be done, something to address the financial crisis our country is going thru because this is one of the top priorities of our country which impacts ALL other countries.

it's funny, what i've bolded, if i've not mistaken, he said EXACTLY that at the last debate. he wants to increase taxed those large corporations that outsource their jobs to other countries, giving more jobs to people in china or thailand and depriving those legal US residents and citizens of jobs in "our" own country. and this is while mccain are just going to give more money to those companies making shit loads of money and not doing anything for the people of the USA by giving them jobs... it's just insane how the unemployment number is doubling but yet we applaud companies that does nothing for its citizens but cut back and outsource... and why are they doing this? to maximize profit for themselves, why should they care about others?

yeah, it's great to be selfish, because in the end we all live in our own bubble and unfortunate things can never occur to me as an individual. it's just not natural to be sick. well i have the money anyways...i can cure it :huh:

wake up call, we are either buried 6 foot under, or cremated, money doesn't follow us... so truly are u selfish? because maybe u're making and saving all that money for your child? but eh, since we are looking like we'll be soon the next 3rd world country, why bother? that money will be worth $0.00 by that time. ;)
i have one and a half years left before my residency, which i've already been guaranteed...so yes, if obama wins and implements his higher taxes, i will be affected...as will my friends, boyfriend, and family...


ladyofdarkness, many share your fear.. and that is one of the reason why people opposed war.. we're wasting too many tax dollars over in a country that we wont even benefit from.. beside the oil.. but like i said, drill our backyard then..

thai-lakorn-fan.. but don't you want to share with those less unfortunate? those that didn't have the same brain and privilege as you? isn't that what being equal is all about? now those are the questions they will ask you... like what noungning said, those money you saved from tax wont follow you to your graves..

will the world really be a better place if we're not so selfish?
ladyofdarkness, many share your fear.. and that is one of the reason why people opposed war.. we're wasting too many tax dollars over in a country that we wont even benefit from.. beside the oil.. but like i said, drill our backyard then..

thai-lakorn-fan.. but don't you want to share with those less unfortunate? those that didn't have the same brain and privilege as you? isn't that what being equal is all about? now those are the questions they will ask you... like what noungning said, those money you saved from tax wont follow you to your graves..

will the world really be a better place if we're not so selfish?
lol...i admit that yes, i am, to an extent, selfish...i do place myself before others, but not before my friends or family...i see that the profession that i'm going into is a form of reaching out to others...i'm helping others to gain a sense of confidence and happiness that they may lack...but of course, i do my share of service in society...a great deal of what free time i have is spent in convalescent homes just talking to the elderly, and i have done devoted time to assist in soup kitchens on holidays...back when i was in california, i volunteered at a non-profit organization that reached out to impoverished families and at-risk youth...but i do place my needs before others...if i have things (time or money or whatnot) left over, then i will reach out to strangers...nowadays, i don't have as much time, but i contribute in another way -- by donating to hospitals and the susan g. komen foundation, as well as the smile train...so yes, i do give back, but i have my limits...and hard-earned income is where the line is drawn...


I'm worried about my aging parents. All their life, they have always been hard working adults working in farms and now working in factories using human strength, power, sweat, blood, and tears. They do not have those fancy jobs behind a desk or jobs that only requires brain power. They have brittle and cracked hands and feet from working hard, to live the American dream; to make the lives of their children better.

They have a beautiful house and nice cars, and that's because they work their asses off to get where they're at. Their income exceeds $40,000, only because they do over-time, pulling 12-14 hours per day. The issue that hits home for me is taxes. I don't want to see my parents being over-taxed. I don't want to see their tax dollars going towards people who don't deserve it! They work too damn hard to be stripped of their money. Maybe, just maybe in the future they can retire and stay on social security, but at the rate of America's social and economic issues, that looks pretty grim too. So all they've got now is their savings and their investments. I hope that whomever the new President is, that he does not take that away too.

I am still studying and going over each candidates and their proposals. Whoever can promise tax relief for hard working Americans will get my vote.
yeah, and that's the same thing i go thru. unfortunately my parents found their future in the factories too... working their asses off before sun rise and leaves after sun sets. growing up, i barely saw them... i saw my baby sitters more than i've seen my parents. the only times i can remember of my mom is when she wakes me up in the morning, and then she dropped me off at the sitters, at night my dad picks me up... and i just go to bed at home because i've already eaten at the sitters'. mom had 2 full time jobs, and yeah, i don't see her until morning.

this is exactly why before i think of myself, before i realize i have all the stuff i need already, health insurance, dental, life insurance, and a job... i have to think of them. and this is why i feel that lower income homes need help because we can't keep working our asses off and not having anything to show for it. especially them, not just me. i have my education, i am capable of many things if i put my mind to it... but them, they're aging, and it doesn't seem like there is much positive outcomes of their retirement funds because the stock market has slumped and will probably get better in...10 more years from now? but by then, will it get to below what they've even contributed? those are the types of things i think of too.

and the next thing that i don't even want to realize is the fact that all of our jobs, that were once for those that didn't require education such as labor prone jobs like assembly and such are being outsourced to a cheaper labor country like china! who, believe it or not... is the country we poke fun of for their flimsy products... lent us billions of dollars... how does this make sense? we paid them for our products, so now we ask to borrow their money which we've initially handed to them! wow headachey! my parents aren't at retirement age and they sure cannot afford to be jobless because that means my father will not have medical insurance and that alone can put us in more debt than anything, and why doesn't my mom have insurance if my dad does? well because my dad's premium is $0, but if he puts my mom and sister in, it's $112. they can't afford that, so they opt to remain uninsured... but this isn't truly a choice since if they had it their way, they'd prefer a cheaper premium and covered.

i have one and a half years left before my residency, which i've already been guaranteed...so yes, if obama wins and implements his higher taxes, i will be affected...as will my friends, boyfriend, and family...
i understand where u are coming from because no wants to "have their hard earned cash taken from them"... but u can also see where i'm coming from also because i say the same exact thing. there was a time in my life i worked 60 hours a week and barely saw my check budge from what i've been making just working 40 hours. does it make sense? so why is it that just because u make more than me, u should be exempt from this?

thai-lakorn-fan.. but don't you want to share with those less unfortunate? those that didn't have the same brain and privilege as you? isn't that what being equal is all about? now those are the questions they will ask you... like what noungning said, those money you saved from tax wont follow you to your graves..

will the world really be a better place if we're not so selfish?
lol natty, it's true u die alone, not with ur fortune. but if u prefer being buried with ur cash, eh ppl have special preferences ;)

being equal, there is no where i said we should be equal as in uneducated vs. highly educated. i'm afraid u might've overlooked the point i've been trying to make. for me equality is if i'm taxed X, u should be taxed X too. however it just looks bad because X as a percentage of your earnings is probably a lot more than what the X percentage of my earnings would be. however this is the SAME thing, same percentage, but since the proposal promises credit to lower level income people... this will give them that break they need to make their payments and to buy things to stimulate the economy. well hey, if the wealthier people would whoop out their money and spend to circulate the economy then hey, where the hell are they now...? we sure do need more than the 10% of them to come out. but from the looks, there's not a lot of people shopping. they are trying to get some taxes from sales tax too aren't they? well then, take that money u've saved from not being taxed and spend it in the US to stimulate our economy so we don't need u to be taxed more than u should be since u're privileged and should be put into a separate tax bracket that will only benefit you and no one else since u live alone in this world anyways, right? since u did say in your previous post, that you'd like to save that money for you to shop, travel and do some charity... black friday is coming up, i hope you have your stash of cash ready to help this nation ;)

evidently, the answer to your question is YES. had we have 1,000,000 more oprah's, in the aspect of her generosity, i'm sure they'll be more smiles on the face of this earth. money is the root of all evil... but sincere generosity goes a long way, even capable of turning that evil into good.

lol...i admit that yes, i am, to an extent, selfish...i do place myself before others, but not before my friends or family...i see that the profession that i'm going into is a form of reaching out to others...i'm helping others to gain a sense of confidence and happiness that they may lack...but of course, i do my share of service in society...a great deal of what free time i have is spent in convalescent homes just talking to the elderly, and i have done devoted time to assist in soup kitchens on holidays...back when i was in california, i volunteered at a non-profit organization that reached out to impoverished families and at-risk youth...but i do place my needs before others...if i have things (time or money or whatnot) left over, then i will reach out to strangers...nowadays, i don't have as much time, but i contribute in another way -- by donating to hospitals and the susan g. komen foundation, as well as the smile train...so yes, i do give back, but i have my limits...and hard-earned income is where the line is drawn...
i sincerely praise u for your contributions to the community. :clap:

like you reaching out to people, to give them their chance of regaining self-confidence by undergoing cosmetic surgery. i just think that many deserving people that aren't as fortunate need to be given chances to be able to make the next step in life too. some kids decide to drop out of high school because they feel they have no hope in ever entering college... a lot tend to think, "what's the whole point in going to get my GED? i won't be able to pay for college if i wanted to go, because grants and aids are all being cut back, no opportunities for me to see the good life unless i just sell pot and hope that one day i hit it big" ... do we really wanna have more and more potential futures of the nation becoming gang bangers because they think that's their only option since all else has been exhausted? because their parents are too poor to even support themselves, nevermind paying for their child's education. and no one is willing to give them a job because they've dropped out of high school? right, y are we focusing elsewhere, the attention needs to be paid towards us. it starts from school too, kids don't even get to go on field trips because of the budget cuts, or they don't have after school activities, they don't have sports... no more school transportation, kids as young as 6 years old are walking back home on the streets because their parents are working to support the family... and this is because of what? because our tax money intended to improve these things are being poured into the war bucket. the war in which one of the candidate believe is the right thing to do to proclaim victory... get over it.

again, how are people whom are less fortunate, can't afford community college without financial assistance, has the brains but not the opportunity because it's taken away from 10 of the other 500,000 people who's in the same position considered equal..? can they really get to the same place those "brained and privileged" individuals are? if they've not gotten straight A's all of their life, been a valedictorian in high school with a score of 1800 on their SATs, did immense community service, and contributed their life to whatever the major they intend to major in since they were 3 years old... i suppose their privilege is shot? my point is, to get from one point to another when u did not grow up in a middle class home, but rather a low income home, they struggle a lot more than what you would consider "average" to try to reach that same point of the "privileged" individual... and at this moment, i see how hard people are struggling just to maintain where they are at, nevermind moving towards the "privileged" level, and with everything going the way it is, it's forcing people to hit up against the wall. and unfortunately this is when things we do not want to happen starts to unravel: more violence, more crimes, more deaths and etc.

my own saying, "u can't control everything, just let it go"... but in this situation, i just think i can try to fight for it to happen... for something to change, and trying to be optimistic and hope for a positive outcome, not neutral or negative.


noungning, i like that idea of equal percentage tax.. cus right now.. people who make more money got tax more.. you know what i pay in tax yearly for the past 6 years? about 32% but yet one of my friend only get tax about 26 27%.. now yeah that isn't fair.. so here here... i totally agree about equal tax.. someone who makes 42,000 or 200,000 (that's not what we make, just pulling numbers) should be taxed the same.. and yeah you're right about rich people getting tax break.. cus they have things to deduct.. they can deduct giving to charity, they can do write offs with the things they bought by claiming it's for business and ect.. but they have to do that in order to get some tax break.. unfortunately for me i cant do write offs cus i have no business so my tax stays the same.. cant imagine how much more i have to pay if i sell my properties... so yeah i'll vote obama if he say "let's do equal tax on poor rich and middle class!"

on a frustrating note.. i just got off the phone with one of my HOA board member... apparently the family that live on the street perpendicular to me just went into foreclose.. they all of a sudden pick up and left a week ago.. left EVERYTHING in the house... and it's frustrating cus they own 5 cars. a hummer, s2000, lancer, a mercedes suv, and a lexus gs400..... i talked to them before cus they welcome me into the neighborhood.. and asked how much incentives i got from the builder.. they said they got about 15k for putting 0 down.. see how frustrating it is? totally abused the system.. and now i have another foreclose home in my dang neighborhood which will drive the prices down..