wow u girls yapping about tose GMM boys eh...
i have my input too...i neva listen to Oak much..but i neva knew he sounded so blahhh...
i guess it's him performing with two great singers..btw
isn't tat song Tikker's fav. song btw....i loved Oak in Ngao Asoke though
Bie...honestly for me i hear potential in his voice...and i like his i need somebody and hua jai song
but i tink he needs to let go of tose corky songs that doesn't show much vocals...
he's much older now..and he should start trying new things..
like cut tose corny english lines in his songs.."Wait a minute?" wth ? :unsure: also not lip singing..
i was real mad wen some Bie fan bad-mouth P'Dan..saying P'Bie is better..excuse me
So...but P'Bie is nothing compared to P'Dan esp. when singing live...
Ice i feel in love w/ tis boy wen he first came out...he was my first boi
i knew ice b4 Aof & i'm maybe a little bias..okay a lot -_- ...i love his voice :wub:
and i honestly think he moves great...not as good as Peck though...
one of my first fav. songs from him was "Khon Dee Dee Tum Mai Mai Ruk" :spin:
Peck: ...i dunno why he isn't as popular as Aof & Ice maybe cuz he
may come off a bit shy..and maybe cuz he has bad song selections as well
..Peck..let's see i'm stil in love w/ his jai neung gor ruk eek jai gor jep :spin:
still makes me sad wenever i listen to it..i dunno why...i sweat i've never been
tat crazie about a boy..though i juz hits me :lmao: he was AMAZING during
their showing At Ten w/ the 6 Grammy Guys...
Aof..i love tis guy wat can i say...bedroom rhythm :loool: