The CH3 newbies tend to dress alike, Their dress seem so similair color+style. I really don't like Alex hair it's so longg now O___O But I've got to admit he looks more mature with long hair, lol Taew and Alex are so cute together<3 Benz look so old and he is so short, lol!
Yard...I like her outfit...she pulled it off nicely...
Ann...beautiful but felt like she's the bride...
Pat...too skinny...the dress would have look good had she put on a little meat...
Sirita is just beautiful...but I don't like that red dress....
I'm too tired to mention the rest....
But my absolute best is Taew...She looked very well put together in that dress...hopefully it's not too revealing on the back since I only saw the front picture of her and Alex...
Ann, she looks so beautiful, pefect, decent, proper attire for a wedding. Very classy.
Tik, so pretty and classic adorable
Yard, what the heck is she wearing. It's not a proper attire for a wedding and the skirt is too short. Almost discussing like.
Janie looks like a clown.
Pupae and ann t. even dough I can't see her's bottom dress but it looks pretty on top. The rest of them they looked ugly, at their home do they have the body mirror to take a look at themselves before attending the party. Yardtip looked like she wearing a lingerie, what Jennie and Noi are wearing?
i really like rita's dress! pretty..the wedding gown was really nice too..idk wats up with noi's outfit...the bridesmaid's dresses were nice too..janie's ddress is weird..chompoo's dress doesnt seem to b a nice but more of a cloth like thing..
I like Taew's dress the most b/c it was appropriate for the occasion and cute at the same time. I have to agree that Noi's dress is so ugly. I bet ken probably wanted to say something but at the same time did not want to make Noi sad.