Kua Namsaeng


sarNie Juvenile
why don't you start a blog or your own website, so
you could put all of ur pixs and video in it so, peoples all over the world
will know who u r.
Anyway.... good luck with your acting career.


sarNie Adult
Kid, you're full of yourself. Stop posting pics of yourself. That's so freaken gay. I'm not sure if you're
even good-looking enough to be my servant, so how the hell can u be a damn movie star? I'm 10x
better looking than you, and i'm not even half as gay. Maybe u can start out auditioning for gay porn,
because straight, good-looking guys do not stand in front of the mirror and check themselves out. Also,
Shows up!


sarNie Juvenile
Okay, getting back to topic. Are you in a drama Kua? That would be a great star to get into drama club or the community.


im not sure what exactly am i suppose to do. But you should follow your dream. i don't mind watching you in lakorns or commercials at all. Though i wont see the commercials. But follow your dream. And even if you don't get accepted, you can at least say"Hey I tried, If ididnt get accepted at least i know i tried than not knowing." lots of people tend to regret not doing something they wanted to do. Good Luck catching your dreams!


sarNie Juvenile
if there's a The Star 6, you can start from there, right :p
anyways, it's always good if you have a good connection in Thailand
good luck with your dream!


sarNie Fansubber
Wow, you sure went to a lot of places.

Just my little advice. It doesn't matter what you want to be, but remember to stay in school and work hard on your goals. You wouldn't be a star overnight by keep posting pictures of yourself like that. If you're good at singing or acting, then show it. Being a star isn't easy. I know look is a plus but real talent is a must.

Good luck.


Expired Sarnie
Well if you do get famous in Thailand. Don't forget us sarnies. Good luck and best wishes! I envy you that you got to meet Bird, Ann Alicia, and other stars. I have never been out of the country... lol let's say I have never been out of the my state :lol:

But I am a bit confuse. What is your career goal? Acting? Singing? Dancing? Modeling? If it's other than modeling, you should should us what talent you have. Try blogging. You won't get too far if you won't step out of your box.


sarNie Egg
to tell you the truth you can try, but its alot about the looks in my opinion you wouldnt be my type. but who knows