Here is an interesting article that I read by accident which I hope will interest our Sarnies there too there
If you still don't know your blood type, then go & donate if you have an opportunity (or can donate) so they can check for u ^_^
<============================ARTICLE =============================
Blood Type & Its Character (Japan)
In Japan, a person forecast is determined by the blood type rather than zodiac or horoscope. Why? It is said, the blood type is determined by specific proteins that build all the cells in our body and it also determine our psychology.
Right or Wrong?
A: Organized, consistent, high cooperation spirit, but always concern (because so perfectionist) that sometimes irritate other people, potical tendecy: "destra"
B: Calm, easy going, free, and most enjoy life, political tendency: "sinistra"
O: Great soul, friendly, don't want to lose, allergic to details, political tendency: "centro"
AB: Unique, ingenious, dual personality
The most overdue about time:
1. B (because of too relax)
2. O (because of poinciana)
3. AB (because of easy to change program)
4. A (because fail in dicipline)
The most difficult to tolerate others mistakes:
1. A (because of too perfectionist and high narcism)
2. B (because of easy going but also easy judging)
3. AB (because of different origin)
4. O (because of easy judging but also easy pardoning)
The most trustworthy:
1. A (because of consistent and obey law)
2. O (because of maintaining balance)
3. B (because of maintaining enjoying life)
4. AB (because of easy change frame of reference)
Based on survey, the most fancied blood type for a friend:
1. O (casual)
2. A (always on time)
3. AB (creative)
4. B (depend on mood)
Of the most, the most irritable blood type for a friend:
1. B (selfish, easy come easy go, ego)
2. AB (double standard)
3. A (too obey and scrupulous)
4. O (difficult to break down)
The easiest to get lost:
1. B
2. A
3. O
4. AB
The most achieving medals in Olympic sport:
1. O (expert in sport)
2. A (mathematical and exact)
3. B (not affected by surrounding pressure. Almost all judo, swimming and wrestling athlete is B type)
4. AB (allergic to each kind of sport)
The most likely to become director or leader:
1. O (because of leadership spirit and problem solver)
2. A (because of "minute" personality and careful)
3. B (because of sensitivity and easy to take decision)
4. AB (because of creativity and like to take risk)
Most Prime Minister in Japan: O type (leadership)
Most suit to become Moderator: A (have rich plan)
Most Tokyo University students: B
The most like to save money:
1. A (like to count bank interest)
2. O (like to see prospect)
3. AB (save money because has project)
4. B (will save money when have lots of money)
The most powerful memory:
1. O
2. AB
3. A
4. B
The most longevity:
1. O (not easy stressed out, has the most antibody)
2. A (proper regimentation)
3. B (easy to find stress compensation)
4. AB (mess up)
The most likely to become fat:
1. O (large appetite, eat fast)
2. B (eat slow, keep adding, and like delicious food)
3. A (only eat what's on the plate, affected by diet program)
4. AB (eat depends on mood, susceptible anoressia)
The most likely bitten by mosquito:
1. O (sweet blood)
The most likely to get flu/fever/cough/cold:
1. A (weak against virus and infectious disease)
2. AB (weak against hygiene)
3. O (eat anything that is good or bad)
4. B (eat, sleep not accordingly)
What do they make on a party:
1. O (take animal protein, especially meat)
2. A (take balance. 4 healthy 5 perfect)
3. B (like to take food containe water like soup, meatball, etc)
4. AB (like to taste all food)
The most likely to get bald first:
1. O
2. B
3. A
4. AB
The most likely to sleep soundly and hard to wake up:
1. B (will always snore even there is a tsunami)
2. AB (if in mood, sleeping is everything)
3. A (sleep 8 hours a day, according to the law)
4. O (will sleep when exausted and need)
The most likely to sleep first:
1. B (easy to feel sleepy, can sleep even standing)
2. O (easy to feel sleepy when tired and nothing to do)
3. AB (depend on will)
4. A (depend on rule and orario)
Disease easy attack:
1. A (stress, insane)
2. B (weak agains flu, lungs)
3. O (indigestion and colic susceptible)
4. AB (cancer and hard attack, easy startled)
What to encourage staying healthy:
1. A (because of too perfectionist so take it easy sometimes, don't too tense and serious)
2. B (because of hard to concentrate, have to be serious, meditation, play chess)
3. O (because of high concentration, need to talk relax, take a walk)
4. AB (because easy tired, need to find other activity that makes fun and relieve)
The most likely to have car accident:
1. A
2. B
3. O
4. AB
As for myself, I think it's pretty true... ^_^ How about u dear Sarnies ??
GeezzZ, i understand better now why i lost so many times my virginity to....
mosquitoes !!!

They love my Sweet & tender TingTong Blood :drool: