I hope I'm in the right place to discuss this. I'm just curious why quite a few Thai music imitates Korean? I know it's popular but I love my Thai music as it is. I'm a fan of Korean music too but mainly only the dance or upbeat songs. I'm a fan of almost all types of Thai music and I think Thai music or songs are a bit more meaningfull to me personally. A lot of Thai songs have a story to them and the lyics are quite simple as in I don't have to try to figure out any metaphors in the song. I think that's what make me like Thai songs more than others. I don't really listen to any English songs unless sung by Asians.
I guess you can call it the "Korean Trend." A trend is always running around but nothing has hit harder than the Korean trend I think...or maybe I'm just saying that because we're currently still in it. But to make it more clear, which imitations are you referring to, that way we can debate it clearly instead of jumping around all over the place.
Some of the trends has always been in Thailand but because it's popular in Korea, they think it was brought over from Korea.

For example, I was reading complaints about how colorful an MV is along with the fashion, and it was being accused of imitating Korean music. I guess Korea invented colors. But seriously, bright color ass MVs and clothing is of the past. In the 1990's, hella artists were colorful; their MVs bright and cheerful. 2000 hit, and damn, everyone went all gloomy and emo with their dark color clothes: Dark green, navy, maroon, black, etc. Now that colors are making a come back, Korea's getting the nice credit for inventing it.
I think the problem is: everyone thinks too highly of Korean pop culture. Everything being said and done is being accused of copying them.
If you step into the shoes of Kpoppers though, you would say Korean pop culture is an imitation of American artists. The problem here is that American artists is thought too highly of too. Where do you think some American artists get THEIR inspiration? From the lesser known sources around the world. Because these sources are unpopular, Americans get the credit for it.
To sum it up, everyone is being inspired one way or another. We shouldn't label artists as imitations and if you are going to anyway, atleast do it fairly by labeling ALL artists that.
^__^ To stick with the sharing of Thai music, here's some bright ass old school for everyone haha
Raffy & Nancy
Raptor - Never Dance Again
(Notice Hyori copied Raptor and started to wear plastic for her latest album. LOL I'm kidding. <3 Raptor & Hyori ^___^)