[Ch3] 365 Wan Haeng Ruk (Makers J)


sarNie Adult
You guys here like the show right?... but how come I saw in the news and dirtii laundry that this show is not doing well and they got a lot of negative feedback about it.


sarNie Coma
^^its silly. the lakorn just barely aired so how can they say its not doing well and most of ch3 lakorns usally start off around 7-8 so its normal for them. i guess they have nothing to write about? Sawan bieng started low as well but it end up reaching 20+ at the end


sarNie Adult
Well they weren't saying the ratings are bad, but that the fans aren't liking this series as much as the other ones they've done... They're watching it, just not liking it. I think this reaction is expected. It's a drama and it has a very modern/western feel to it too. I think its tough to continue to engage the audience with the complicated topic of marriage and love survival. Tv is better used for concepts that are simple and quick... If they want crazy amount of viewers who aren't just ken ann fans, they would've thrown in a lot of unnecessary bitch fights and all the nam nao stuff for ratings. They should've made this into a movie. Time will tell how this series will end up doing. It's still very early and I felt like Ken was holding back in the interview like something epics coming along in the series maybe some good twists are coming up but it's pretty bleh right now.


sarNie Coma
^^its probaly too dramatic especially whats going on in thailand right now so they want to see more of romance comedy.

Lan is becoming really annoying..shes overly jealous of thun..she need to know how to calm herself


sarNie Egg
omg, check out these scenes!

Mama mia, too hot these photographs of the evil to be sniffed my heart flutters d 'amour :spin: . It's really the most successful lakorn thai. :clap: Thanks to P.AEW!!! And, Thanks to Ann and ken couples it fictitious the nicest of thai. Which sincerity in their emotions. For me I've never seen tactile and such an expressive drama in kisses. And i forget, thanks to you tinah to have shared us the photographs sexy trés. He must have one of it who owes etre venerate :yes:


sarNie Oldmaid
Well,whatever the feedback,i love love love this lakorn..ken-Ann broke the ice,they did so many kisses on the lips here,that i think is taboo in thai lakorn..And its more modern/western..

No worries,i'm sure after this,other lakorn will follow their concept..Either they will put so many kisses or they will create a story about married couple..
just like oum ruk.i heard after oum ruk,there is other lakorn make story similar to it..nang ek have has a child,nang ek fight with pra ek..something like that.

ok,i only watch ann lakorn so i don't really know about other lakorn..but i've read a summary about namtan mai and watch a few episode of song kram nang fah..
What i love about 365 is that there are different from other lakorn that is about married couple.
I mean,namtan mai and SKNF-the story is about pra ek had a wife but he's is a playboy,had an affair with other girl bla bla bla..

But this lakorn,its about misunderstanding..Pra ek and nang ek love each other...
And about the rating and feedback,what i remember is SSH got more bad feedback than this one..
People said ann was overrated in there,that lakorn was about entertainment industry and they don't like it and much more,but still its ssoo soo sooo damn popular..

I guess its always happen to ANN's lakorn.. -_- Ann's fans sure know what i mean. :whistle:
Idon't care about the rating,sometimes its ridiculous...i just beliave at tv pool poll..what the most popular lakorn depends on top 5 actor/actress..

**just my 2 cent. :dance1: :rockon: :dance2: :highfive:


sarNie Egg
that writer is silly.the rating of this lakorn is actually higher than that of Soot Sanae Ha so far.
the director had already warned us that this larkorn would be a more serious sort.
i think the director and KA are trying to present something new each time they cooperate.that is good.
anyway, i love this lakorn. i am totally bored by those repeticious overexaggerated scenes such as kidnapping,fake marriage,raping and kiss/slap.


sarNie Oldmaid
Oh,forgot to say this..
When i watch LEM and Anon's channel on youtube,after a couple of hours or not more than 2 hours this lakorn being upload,its already have 300 views..


sarNie Adult
I like this Lakorn no mattere what. Ken and Ann always bring something new to the table and that's why I like their lakorns. It's only the beginning of the lakorn, anyways just four episodes out you can't say how it will turn out at the end. Sometimes people get too far ahead of themselves.

Lan does go over the top but its her character I do want her to tune it down a little and trust Thun more.

People can say all they want but this is an lakorn it's suppose to entertain people if it's not your cup of tea then don't tune in.

Thanks for sharing those pictures! :baby-scene-pop-corn: :coverlaf:


sarNie Adult
i like the concept of the lakorn b/c people goes through that in their marriage some time or another with girls that want your man, misunderstanding but more so the trusting part...

it's teaching us a lesson to be honest and learn to trust one another before concluding something you dont know. sometimes you see but it's not what it is until you actually hear it...

love ken&ann. they are the best at what they do. taking it to the next level...


sarNie Adult
Epi 5 Summary:
Dang, Ann and her mom are forcing her older sister to go to the host club to see if her husband is cheating on her.

OMG, they both didn't tell each other about what their going to do. There's another misunderstanding. :thumbdown:

lol, Lan is having Wit go with them to the host club. Tit is just too funny! Oh sh*t, Thun and Louis arrived at the host club! Dang this club is so perverted! Old men everywhere! Oh! They called her sister,her and her friend! Oh, Wit called for her and her friend. Ahhhhh Lan just git her sister in trouble they took her to an perverted old man. Good thing her sister is smart!

Love Thun, ain't letting no girl near him! Da saw her husband with another girl. Thun just missed Lan by a second. I feel so bad for Da! Her husband is just an Ass! You don't need him Da!

Oh! Thun saw Da and saw Lan!! Oh the misunderstanding! I can't beielive that Lan accused him of lying. He always tells her he doesn't but he needs to tell her before so that there aren't any misunderstanding. They are both so mad.

Lan needs to stop being mad! I can understand why Thun didn't tell Lan, if he did she wouldn't let him go. He also told her that she told him that she wouldn't bother with her sisters family.

unbottoned shirted Thun! :cloud9:

Thun's father is such a great man understands so much about life, Thun went back and cooked for Lan.

Take charge Da! Kick your husband out!! It's so sad that her daughter had to see her cry and take off her ring.

Showdown between racha and the young girl. Young girl needs to stop it with texting Lan about racha meeting Thun. Lan needs to stop being insecure about Thun. Love wit always stopping Lan from go to confront Thun. Racha has such a b*tchy face! OH sh*t Thun knows someone is letting Lan know about Thun and racha! Racha is going to kick some ass! Louis knows whose letting Lan know. Dang the fight between racha and the young girl was fierce. Racha totally missed Louis up. Good thing Thun came in to stop the fight.

There's to much girl trouble with Thun. Love the look on Louis's face when both girl turned to see Thun walk out.

Thun is a ltille jealous that Lan want's to go to Wit's concert. Listening to his fathers words he decides to go to the concert. Awww Thun has to go to a party for his boss. The young girl totally made it so that Thun could go the party with her. The young girl has fallen for Louis. The young girl is totally trying to get Thun in trouble by giving him that handkerchief. <_<

Lan took wit's drink. She's getting drunk waiting for Thun. Ha, he left the young girl! :thumbup: Wit is singing Bodyslam's song! Lan is drunk! Got on stage and started singing. She's so cute she announced to everyone that Thun's her husband and kissed him. Thun is jealous seeing Wit hold Lan. Jealous Thun carried Lan off! :dance1: Dang we didn't get to see Thun take care of Lan at home! :coverlaf: <_< Have to wait another week to watch that!


sarNie Adult
A lot of drama this episode but I hope that the next one will have more sweet scenes. Racha didn't get on my nerves that much in this episode but the young girl did :eyetwitch: ! She needs to stop she already sees that he doesn't care for her. He only sees her as a sister.

I can't wait to see the sweet scene of Thun taking care of Lan! :kiss3:


sarNie Oldmaid
When i saw Toon's shirt unbutton on preview,i thought lan doing something to him :yummy: :pervie: :pervie:

I've been waiting for that scene but that's not on today episode... :rant: <_< :girlmad: :nono1: :cry1:


sarNie Adult

I wanted to see that scene and was a little mad but I know it'll be the first thing we see next week! :dance1: :pervie:


sarNie OldFart
omggggggggggggg!!!! omgggg
the preview makes me want to cry....
become mad...name it!! :numchuck:

What is Nid up to? :scratchhead2:

another week to waitttt for!!! :nailbiter:


sarNie Hatchling
I think this lakorn is "too down to earth" "too much reality". Thai people want to dream with namnao things, cry on sad coincidence, be angry on cat fights and smile with happy miracles, they need it to escape from their real life, they want to see exagerate, fiction scenes, not reality. So maybe that's why the feeback is not so well....

Anyway I cant wait for the next epi.