Chapter 12
Muaj Tsheeb took off his suit jacket and dips it in the large pottery bowl that held water. He soaked it fully before putting it over his head and took a deep breathe before charging at what once used to be the door. Inside he found Hli Nra who was barely conscious. He immediately wraps his suit jacket over her as she slumps into his arms. Within seconds that he pries them out, the roof top of the hut caved in. He got on his knees and put Hli Nra down.
Muaj Tsheeb: “Hli Nra?” He gently pats her face to keep her from fading off.
Hli Nra: “Muaj Tsheeb?” She looks up at the person who saved her in surprised.
Muaj Tsheeb: “What’s wrong with you, why did you run back in? Hli Nra!” He called her but she had just dosed off. He left his hand out from behind her head and saw blood on it. Quickly tells Tsab to take care of things there before he carried Hli Nra off.
The street was moving so slow that he decided to take a shortcut through an alley way. He heard Hli Nra unconsciously talking. “I couldn’t lose it, I promised to give it back to him…” He speeded through the alleyway while he took a look at Hli Nra and as he turned the corner a car that didn’t see him crash into the hood of his car. His car swayed and slid into a ditch, sending him crashing into the tree trunk down there. He breathe hard, his car was damange but as long as Hli Nra was okay, he didn’t care. He stares at her laying seat belt to her side untouch by scratches. A few seconds later he hears something cracking outside he turns to look in front of him and quickly raised his arms to shield him as a branch came falling down and breaking his side of the windshield. The window in front of him shattered.
*At the hospital Aunt Mee spoke to Ntsa Iab while they walk down the hallway heading toward Pog’s assigned room*
Aunt Mee: “When your parents had that accident your grandmother had to scramble to get everything in order. She wasn’t only concern with your parent’s rice business but she was wearied too that if anything happen to her unexpectedly like what happen to your parents, what will happen to you two? So she thought the best thing was to carve your future for you so it won’t be bumpy on the way. Truthfully speaking, I don’t believe your grandma intend to hurt you two.”
Suddenly the hospital doors open, Aunt Mee and Ntsa Iab saw two hospital carts being hauled inside. They both in shock call out Muaj Tsheeb’s name as he was taken into the emergency room. As the doctors operated on Muaj Tsheeb a childhood memory sparked back.
*Flash Back*
When Muaj Tsheeb was a little kid, there was a business man who Muaj Tsheeb’s family grew acquaintance with for some years. He had offered them a good deal on some lands in the country side and led them there. It turns out he was just leading them to that empty plot of land to rob them. Muaj Tsheeb who had sneaked in the back of the car, had came out to witness it all. Muaj Tsheeb’s father was struggling with the men for the gun and his mother was trying to get him off of her husband. The gun had gone off and the bullet had hit his mother. His father had his mother in his arms as the guy grew frustrated and looked around if anyone saw. Fear that the men will just kill them there and there won’t be any memories of them left for Muaj Tsheeb to remember them by, they both gave Muaj Tsheeb their marriage rings and told him to run off. When the men couldn’t get Muaj Tsheeb’s father to cooperate he shot him and searched their bodies for any jewelry. He knew they must have given their precious items to Muaj Tsheeb so he chased after him and lead Muaj Tsheeb to a dead end. He tried to get Muaj Tsheeb to come to him but he backed off and had slipped and fell down the waterfall. Upon the impact he scraped the back of his waist.
Uncle Xais Tuam had just arrived at the river when he spotted Muaj Tsheeb laying on the shoreline. And brought him back to the farm hut.
Hli Nra: “Uncle what’s wrong with him?”
Uncle Xais Tuam: “He must had fallen up the river, those boulders and rocks are dangerous especially with the swift current. This is bad, the back of his waist is scar.” He didn’t know how long the boy has been in the water but his wound looked like it has open up more because of his soaked skin. “Hli Nra you still have those sowing stuff I secretly bought you?” He was patting the boy’s waist to dry up the surrounding water and stop the bleeding.
Hli Nra: “Yes.”
Uncle Xais Tuam: “I will need to use them.”
Hli Nra: “Then I won’t finish sewing my outfit for the new year.” She thought quietly.
Uncle Xais Tuam: “Bring it here quickly; we don’t want him to lose anymore blood.”
Hli Nra: “Alright.” It was for saving another life so she had to sacrifice her outfit.
Uncle Xais Tuam finished stitching the boy up. For few days he had awoken a few times but wouldn’t speak to them. He had followed Hli Nra everywhere she went afraid that she would leave him. On the third day Hli Nra’s uncle was going to take off the string since the wound had already seal but the boy look nervous.
Hli Nra: “If you’re afraid it will hurt, you can anguish the pain by holding my hand.” She sat by his side and raised her hand to offer it to him. He shoves it away. “You must miss your parents.”
Muaj Tsheeb: “Parents?” He finally spoke. His denial had just dispersed when he realized he had no parents, not anymore. No one would worry that he’s out lost in the wildness.
Girl kid voice: “Did I speak some wrong words?” From his expression he was probably parentless like her. “Even if there’s not here, they still exist in your heart and overlooking you from beyond heaven.” He still wanted to be left alone. “If you hurt, I’m willing to hurt with you.”
Boy kid voice: “Really?”
Girl kid voice: “Why do you think the first day you arrive here and won’t eat, that I went on a diet as well? If you can’t sleep I can’t sleep.”
Boy kid voice: “Yes. And if you work I had to work, if you looked for food I had to look for food.”
Girl kid voice: “Yes, vice versa.” She looks over his shoulder. “My uncle is going to take off the string now, please be prepared.” He closes his eyes and slid his hand with hers.
Boy kid voice: “You seem as scared as I am, yet you’re pretending to be so brave.” He can feel her quaver a bit. He squeezed her hand as the tingly sensation of the thread slid out.
Afraid that the men might find him he kept his lips seal on who he was, pretending to have amnesia. Hli Nra’s uncle left her to take care of the boy while he ran to town to find help, just using Muaj Tsheeb’s appearance for reference. It was a long distance travel, so Hli Nra had to take care of him for another couple of days.
The next morning. Hli Nra woke up and went to the Muaj Tsheeb’s side and put her finger near his nose to feel if he was still breathing. After certifying that he was still alive she had left to work in the fields. She had left for half of the day and when she came back he was still in bed and just staring off at the ceiling. She stood next to the bedside and look above.
Hli Nra: “What’s so interesting about the ceiling?” She thought. “Are you hungry?” Muaj Tsheeb didn’t answer her. She went to wash her hands and made porridge. Muaj Tsheeb turned his head to look at her pour the porridge into a bowl. She was stirring it to cool it down as she sat by his side and offers a spoonful. He just stares at her. “When you’re sick, rice porridge is the only thing that you should eat. You can easily swallow it down without having to chew and use up strength.” She put the spoon against his mouth and he opens it. He was chewing it and gulped it down emotionless. After a few seconds he hits the bowl away some spill on her hand burning her a bit.
Muaj Tsheeb: “Go away!” He shouted.
Hli Nra: “If you didn’t want to eat you could had just said it nicely. Why are you so moody?”
Muaj Tsheeb: “I don’t give a damn.”
Hli Nra: “You don’t even know that it was my last packet of rice and I had to sacrifice it to feed you.”
Muaj Tsheeb: “You didn’t have to you wanted to, I didn’t ask you to.”
Hli Nra: “You’re right, blame it on me and my pathetic kindness.” She picks up the bowl and spoon. “I guess I’ll just starve again.” She rinses them quickly and clumsily wrapped her hand with a piece of cloth before going out to work in the fields.
Muaj Tsheeb didn’t mean to do that but the porridge reminded him of his mother. When he was sick she would make rice porridge for him because the rice was soft and mushy, gently for his mouth.
The day has ended and it was getting dark but Hli Nra didn’t come back. Muaj Tsheeb was growing scare of being alone so he got out of bed and went to look outside but she was nowhere to be found. The more he searches the area and turning around each corner to find emptiness, the more panic he felt.
Muaj Tsheeb: “I don’t want to be alone.” He keeps repeating. “Mom and dad, why did you leave me?” He opened his palm and look at the rings. He was crying inside as continue to search, his hand clutched tightly the his parents rings. The night was just getting colder and the sky full of darkness. He fell to his knees and finally shed tears for a couple of minutes before he saw a light coming from behind him.
Hli Nra: “Why didn’t you stay still at the hut, I had to look all over for you.”Just with her presence and the moon above had seemed to be glowing brighter than before.
Muaj Tsheeb: “You were looking for me, even after…” He stops himself. “Why did you look for me?”
Hli Nra: “Of course I was looking for you, it’s difficult for me to hate someone. Do you know that you’re hurt and you walk slow, if an wild animal attack you, you wouldn’t even be able to run far. One step and it already leaped at you and chew you into bits and pieces. If a wild animal is able to hunt a human being here then it’ll know there’s more in this area, it’ll be dangerous for me.” She jokes but saw that he was serious. “I looked for you because out here we only have each other, therefore we need to look out for each other.” She gazed at him. “Why are you crying?”
Muaj Tsheeb: “I feel so alone.”
Hli Nra: “Someone told me, sometimes people will feel like no one needs them in this world, like if they just disappeared, no one would even notice. If you think this way, don’t, because whether you know it or not, someone loves you. Anyone can give up; it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.” She was able to calm him down. “Let’s head back to the hut.” She reaches out to him and he stares at her wrapped hand.
Muaj Tsheeb: “I’m sorry about earlier.”
Hli Nra: “Apology accepted.” He put his hand on her palm and she helps him to his feet.
Muaj Tsheeb: “Where do you go earlier?”
Hli Nra: “I had to go find fruits for dinner.” She talked as they headed toward the hut.
Throughout the few days that her uncle went back to town, Muaj Tsheeb had grown acquaintance to Hli Nra. When she found Muaj Tsheeb gloomy she always tries to distract his thoughts. Hli Nra would climb trees and gather fruits and throw it down for him to catch and they would run around looking at her traps to see if she caught anything.
One day, Muaj Tsheeb was sitting on a rock, Hli Nra threw mud on the side of his face because he wasn’t paying attention. He was suppose to look out for any wild animals that might attack them.
Hli Nra: “Keep your eyes open.”She yells to him as she looks around a small stream for fish and crabs. She only manages to catch a few crabs and stuck them in a little hollow bamboo tube.
The kids headed back to the hut. Hli Nra notice that Muaj Tsheeb still haven’t wipe the mud off him which had dried up. Hli Nra had built a fire and sat next to the boy as she roasted the crabs in the fire.
Hli Nra: “I thought you would have already clean the mud off when we were by the river side.”
Muaj Tsheeb: “I didn’t have time, I was too busy looking out for wild boars like you had asked me too.”
Hli Nra: “You know it’s hard to get the mud out when it dries, it sticks to your skin, it will hurt when it’s peeled off.”
Muaj Tsheeb: “I’m not afraid of pain.”
Hli Nra: “Really?” She yanks off a piece of dry mud from his cheek.
Muaj Tsheeb: “Ouch!” He screams as he rubs his arm.
Hli Nra: “Painful isn’t it?” She flips the crabs to the other side.
Muaj Tsheeb: “Why did you tear it off like that, I think you tore off a piece of my skin.”
Hli Nra: “Impossible.”
Muaj Tsheeb: “It hurts.”
Hli Nra: “You said you’re not afraid of pain but yet you’re complaining. Just go get a piece of cloth, damp it, and then rub it against the dry mud to get it off.”
The boy went over and soaks a cloth and start wiping himself but the way he did it annoyed her because he was just making the mud smear. He sat next to Hli Nra.
Hli Nra: “You’re just causing yourself to be dirtier. Here look after the crabs.”
She handed him a stick and took the towel in return. After damping the cloth again she sat next to him and carefully wiped the dirt off. Hli Nra didn’t notice but he was looking at her with admiration. Later they warm themselves by the fire side as they share the roasted crab.
Muaj Tsheeb: “I can’t really taste anything.”
Hli Nra: “If you have someone to eat with you, no matter what you’re eating it will taste good no matter what.” She continues to snack on her piece of crab meat.
Muaj Tsheeb: “The only reason it taste good when you have someone to eat with you is because when you conversation with them they distract you from what the harsh reality really is.” He thought quietly sympathizing her.
Hli Nra: “I’m full, you can have the rest.” Her stomach grumbled and she tried to hide it.
Muaj Tsheeb: “I’m not that hungry, crabs aren’t just for me, you can have the rest.” He opens them up and took out the crab meat for Hli Nra so she doesn’t have to go through the hassle.
Hli Nra: “Are you sure?” Muaj Tsheeb nodded.
Muaj Tsheeb: “Can I ask you something?”
Hli Nra: “Sure.” She was slowly chewing.
Muaj Tsheeb: “When I first came here I notice some bruise on your arms, but now they’re slowly faded. Did that man…”
Hli Nra: “What do you mean?” She pretend not to know. She didn’t think the boy would studied her and notice such little things.
Muaj Tsheeb: “He left you for days and no one had come to visit you at least once.”
Hli Nra: “He’s just probably delayed because his wife is holding him back. He can’t do anything when she gets angry.”
Muaj Tsheeb: “So his wife did this to you?” Hli Nra grew quiet.
Hli Nra: “This is the life of an orphan. The people who take you in, no matter what they do to you, you have to suck it up, do everything to their liking even though it’s not good enough, as long as you have a place to live. Being able to live half the life style of regular people, having temporary parents and a temporary home, is fortunate enough.” She carved a smile. “Working in the field and having my muscles sore over my arms and legs, these bruise are little compare to that.” She shakes her thoughts. “How come you had never unclenched that hand of your? Isn’t it cramped?”
Muaj Tsheeb: “These are…” He opens his palm. “The items my parents left me to remember them by. The bigger ring is my father and the smaller one is my mother, each ring as a letter engraves in them, the initial of where I live.”
Hli Nra: “They must be very important to you, considering that you wouldn’t let go of them at all. You’re lucky they left you something for you to remember them. I on the other hand, my parents left me just after I was born, so I didn’t even know them, don’t even know how they look or how they are like.” She shakes the thoughts out. “It’s late. Let’s go to sleep.”
She fixed a sleeping area on the ground for her. She kneeled and puffs the pillow before putting it down. Muaj Tsheeb laid down on the sleeping area face first as he was still unable to sleep on his back.
Muaj Tsheeb: “You can sleep on the bed again tonight.” After that day Hli Nra came back for him. He had been letting her sleep on the bed.
Hli Nra: “But the ground is hard, it’s not good for your recovery.” Muaj Tsheeb grew quiet. “Are you asleep already? Why do you always find ways to force me to sleep on the bed?” Hli Nra got the one piece of blanket off the bed and covered Muaj Tsheeb with it before she reluctantly slept on the small wooden bed.
When Hli Nra woke up the next morning she felt something warm around her. She woke up to find the blanket over her, she looks down and saw Muaj Tsheeb shivering. She got up and wrapped the blanket tightly around him before she went up to keep the fire going. That early morning she went to tame the weeds as she usually did. But this time Muaj Tsheeb had woke up after her and came to help her.
Hli Nra: “You can just stay over there and watch.” He walked into the fields like he was confused.
Muaj Tsheeb: “You never seem to have a day’s rest. Let me help you.”
Hli Nra: “You don’t look like you know how, so never mind it.”
Muaj Tsheeb: “Teach me.”
Hli Nra: “Are you sure?”
Muaj Tsheeb: “I can learn.”
Hli Nra: “To scrape the weed with the hoe you’ll have to use the up and down motion. You’re wound might open.” He snatches the hoe. “I’ve seen them do it before, I think I know.” She saw him scrape the weeds but along with a rice plants.
Hli Nra: “Hey what are you doing?”
Muaj Tsheeb: “Taking out the weed.”
Hli Nra: “Yes. But this long stem is the rice plant, these small tiny fury things are weeds. Try to avoid hitting it.” She watches him learned quick but all was too risky. The way he did it looked like he was about to chop off his feet too. “I’ll do it.” She takes the hoe away from him. “I’ll appreciate it if you just sit and watch.”
Muaj Tsheeb: “Don’t you have an extra hoe?”
Hli Nra: “Even if I have one I won’t give it to you.” She continues to work.
Muaj Tsheeb: “Alright then.” He crouches down and plucks the weeds with his hand.
Hli Nra: “Careful some of the weeds have thorns.”
Muaj Tsheeb: “It’s fine.” Sometimes he caught the prickly one and grumble but he continue to pick out the weeds without any complaints.
As the sun was coming out Muaj Tsheeb continue to wipe his sweat in the process getting dirt on his face. Hli Nra worked and purposely made sure she stood at an angle that would cast her shadow to shed the sunlight from burning Muaj Tsheeb who was below him. She tried not to make it so obvious but he knew what she was doing for him. When his back was aching from sitting down he got up and went to find a piece of card board, he carried it over and Hli Nra’s head as an umbrella, shading her.
That night, although Muaj Tsheeb deny any pain, Hli Nra had to carefully pick out the little thorns that was in Muaj Tsheeb’s palm. She herself knew how sore a splinter like thorn will feel if left too long in the skin. Muaj Tsheeb again let Hli Nra sleep on the bed and sneaked to wrap the blanket around her. Usually Hli Nra woke up before Muaj Tsheeb but the next morning Muaj Tsheeb got up first. He went outside and opens the lid of the big water pot and used the plastic bowl inside to scoop up water. He put his parent’s rings on the flat lid and dips his hand into the plastic bowl, splat water in his face. Just went he patted his face dry he felt someone tugged on his hand. It was the man that was farming with Hli Nra.
Uncle Xais Tuam: “We have to go son.”
Muaj Tsheeb: “What about her?”
Uncle Xais Tuam: “Muaj Tsheeb your grandma is looking for you.” His posters were out everywhere so he knew the boy was Muaj Tsheeb. He didn’t know what to do when he heard the gossip that a man was after the boy too. When he told his wife, she knew that there was a reward for him so he had made Uncle Xais Tuam come back to take him.
Muaj Tsheeb: “We can’t just leave…” Before the man can drag him away he manage to reach out and grab his rings, but only one of them made it into his hands. “I have to thank her and say my goodbyes…” His little voice disappears into the distance as Uncle Xais Tuam gently pulled him away.
After the betrayal of his father’s business men, Muaj Tsheeb he swore himself not to attach himself to anyone. When knowing that the men who saved his life only took him back home for reward money, he grew angrier. He couldn’t trust anyone and view everyone as egoistic.
*Flash Back ends*
When Hli Nra woke up she searched for the boy all over the farm but couldn’t find him. However all she did find was the ring he left behind, which she promised herself to keep it safe and return it to him one day.
Hli Nra opened her eyes and was looking at a weird ceiling. When she sat up her head was throbbing. She put a hand against her head and could feel something wrapped around it. The more she tried to remember what happen last night the more her head hurt so she stops herself from thinking too hard, she also looked down at her other and grew relief to see the ring in her palm. Afraid of being in the dark room she slid herself into the hospital hallway. She passed room to room.
Muaj Tsheeb suddenly jerks himself up. He thought he threw that memory away but somehow it made its’ way back. He took huge breaths and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Once he opens his eyes and looks in front of him he knew something was wrong, he feels all around him and his arm bumps a glass of water causing it to shatter onto the floor. The shatter of glass reminded him of the car accident he had last night. A nurse runs in to see the commotion.