AWW! What! foreals! Shizzzzz! Can't believe he died! I gotta watch that!very beautiful artwork. I love Min & Aerin.When I look at Aerin, I think of about Song Pradtana and how upsetting it was that they had to kill Puri in the end and that she had end up alone!!! GRRRR~
Don't give up just yet on the Minaps!oo i like the manip of aff.. i still dont know how to manip lol.. i give up too easily lol..
and ahaha lmao.. omg that barry one.. oh memories.. lol.. ahaha :lol2: :lol2:
No,I wish it was the dad got it from his friend's shop lol^ thip.. where did you get your copy? are they the official ones? i was thinking of buying them on ethai but theyre not the official set.. lol..