Not sure wether this one will turn out good like the older version, from the clip Margie seem to be a playful tomboy
character there is some changes in this new version and another thing i wish it was some other company producing this
rather Tv Scene a good example like Broadcast or Lakornthai would be better. Tv Scene when they do romantic drama so many
morals, slow pace sometime it can be boring not sure when they play comedy but the one I'm waiting to see is pimmala
I like Boy his such a funny bloke but I'm not a huge fan of Margie cos her voice sometime is annoying.
I think there are many thai nang'ek who have quirky voices. Lol. I admit Rita, Gugib, and Kim have funny voice and even Chalida too! Also, Yaya can sound so funny at time since she talks slow pace and confusion often. And, Aff especially when she screams. But I still adore them all. Hehe. We can't do anything to change their voice unless they practice hard you know but I don't think it's worth that. Hehe. I watch them onscreen regardless.
The only lakorn I've watched of TV Scene is the one with Umm and Taew! It was really sweet and good lakorn. But I never watch TV Scene lakorns other than that one so I dunno if I should expect alot or not.
I think if they rush this lakorn and Game Rai Game Rak for sure they'll be able to air it before this year ends ja. But I don't like to rush since most of time it don't turn out as good as it should! >.<