I don't know if it's just me but I think it's a little too soon for Chai Thut to :r-scene-pop-corn: Panom. I feel like Panom hasn't really developed as much feelings for Chai Thut as he does to her. It's obvious you can tell Chai Thut is already falling for Panom but with Panom you can tell she likes Chai Thut but it's just not all there yet. Anyways, I can't wait for next week's episodes. Sad today's episode had to be so short, I wanted more Chai Thut and Panom scenes. Loved how he just grabbed Panom’s hand after handing Pansorn off to Pongtape.
As for Paat and Nammon, I dislike how Paat is playing the bad guy towards her. I usualy hate it when the directors throw in a new guy to be interested in n'ek but in Paat and Nammon’s case, I'm praying that a new guy comes along and show interest in Nammon so Paat will finally stop pretending to not care and reveal his true feelings. I wanna get to all the sweet and cute scenes between Paat and Nammoon already!
On the side note: I never really paid attention to Alex but this lakorn totally got me all "crazy-fan-girl" on him. I love his voice and the looks he gives Mint in the lakorn. He does a great job at portraying his character.