I think Min is a pretty decent actress and in time she will improve more, of course it also depend on her roles too. But as for New, I've seen him playing the sensitive pra'ek as well as the arrogant pra'ek, not to mention he did starred in one action lakorn, which received high rating. If someone where to come and say that he isn't a good actor, I would say that that person is either blind or in denial, which is really immature. Now, at Spicy, I'll try to understand why members would bashed him, but for admins to do it? How very very immature. Aren't admins suppose to be there to stop this bashing things from going on? Really, I'm sick of people bashing on stars, and I don't care who is it. Sure express your thought of them, but please do it in the right forum and keep it nice. If they don't like his/her acting, explain why, just don't go "oh, he is ugly, or I don't like his eyes, her nose bother me, his teeth is weird, his skin too dark, he's too short, he look gay so I don't like him and etc" people shouldn't be too judgmental. If you don't like the actors, give him/her a chance at least and give a good reasons why you don't like them. What if others do that to your fav stars too, I know for sure those judgmental people will jump in and defend their fav stars as well. So please, if you're those people who can't keep your hate toward other stars and just need to let it out to the whole damn world to know, then I say, go ahead, but keep it nice, simple, and PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, EXPRESS IT ONLY ONCE!!!!
Yes, I agreed. New a great actor who doesn't get promoted very often, and when he does, people who disliked him for the whatever reasons they got, bashed him just b/c he freaking got one freaking role. Wow indeed! Meanwhile those people fav. actors got promoted like crazy and here I am, didn't even bother to bash about their stars, b/c someone just got to be the mature one in this groupie, and it's me.
Thanks to akawhat and Bie for supporting New, and being mature about it, even if you're not a fan of him. I appreciated it alot.
P.S oh and please people need to stop using that excuse," Oh I'm not hating, we got freedom of speech, or they're stars, so they could take this" Please, excuses! Oh it's called "hating on" =D