It's funny. The girl is reading a book for them "how to be a gentlemen. What to look for in a gentlemen". Rule# 1: guy should open the car door for a girl. Maprang complained that she will never find a boyfriend. GG said She haven't seen any man open the car door for a girl since she was born. ..Lol at GG and the girl in the pick faces. Kim's face is like paying attention and serious to the kid While Mark's face
isn't paying attention to the kid instead he's looking at something else. Haha. It seems like GG is looking his
direction too.
C: IG mild_mac
The girl plays GG's little sister.this is really cute
what does the little girl play as in the story
Kim is sitting on Mark's lap ... cute ![]()
credit as tagged
ka kim on Mark lap naruk tee soodThe girl plays GG's little sister.
Kim is sitting on Mark's lap ... cute