Although I'm also on his side, I think it's still too early too hahah Because both of them said they are both not ready to have someone yet, though I think that's not true hahaha But as to how they explained that they are really busy, afraid they may not have time for the person (although they do haha), and then they be talking about school and stuff haha However, according from their age and everything, I think it's right that they say that. To open up a relationship, you have to be sure you're ready for that person and it has to be the right time. And as of right now, I think it's good for them to hide their identity and keep it down low like this since it's safer for them. Because right now, they are still very young, so of course there will be more rumors, gossips, papparazzi's, etc. going on around them, and it will keep on coming and going, good and bad, so yeah I would say the same thing as you that it's still too early.
I'm pretty sure Mark understands too, that's why he kept it down low for her, although it's showing by his body language and behaviors everytime hahah
Out of all the other couples, these two have the most news with other people, whether the ones they co-star with or the ones who they are close with... these two would be put up in news with those people. Which makes us see that they are both friendly with everyone they work with and can get along with anyone as we can all see. I don't understand why these two have the most news, rumors, gossips, etc. with all the people they're with, compared to Yadech and Bargie. sigh* Mint had news with Alex, P'Pope, Mark, Pupa, etc. While Mark had news with Mint N, Chalida, Toey, P'Aum Patchara & P'Ploy Cherman (these two doesn't really count though), and now recently with Matt Peranee. I mean like seriously, out of the other couples, these two always have the media trying to make them look bad and stuff. So yup, the time is not right yet, I guess we have to wait till they're ready for sure.