Wow, awesome picture! :faint: Scary, yet beautiful and very haunting!!! :wub: I think the last ghost (Indian style

) stands out the most; she looks the most beautiful (not to mention that her outfit is brillant). For scariest ghost, it's a tie between Tanya's ghost and the one in Roy Mai. I like Ann's portrayal of Qi Pao's ghost as well though.
For the last story, I think it would be perfect if Mint Chalida is nang'ek. (Matt is another perfect choice, too.) Here's an awesome artwork of Mint as an Indian Bride by one of my dearest friends, Pangia Xiong:
Love this beautiful pic! :wub: It would be nice to see Mteam in the last story of the cursed fabric series.

Mint or Matt are great choices. For the ghost, Pinky should be it if she's nang'rai. :lol2: But she's not in Ch 3, so thank goodness!