Hello, dear Minty!!! I am ready to spazz with you!
I feel it has been sooo long.

Somehow, I don't think 4hjhkk counted but Sao Chai Hi Tech was another story. Really, I ranted more than spazz for 4hjhkk. LOL.
hahaha! I'm REALLY WAITING for someone to post a reply Like this! :rockon: Coz I'm sooo fed up w/ all those 'Obvious-Mint Chalida/ MTeam- Haters' posts in Spicy Forum. Thank you sooo Much Minttwix ^______^ You're like MTEAM's lawyer.. LOL!
Hahaha. Mteam's lawyer. I like that. Thank you.
Although scholars debate about the Chinese character in "crisis", I still like this saying:
"When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity."
John F. Kennedy
Jimieyoushi, maybe you can clarify for me. 5555555
Although we hate the rumors, these rumors can also create opportunities to enlighten the truth.
wow! I gotta say, you are EXCELLENT!!!! Muah*
I hate your essay because its too perfect heheheheh ! Ahhhhh girl you got me spazzing ! P'Mak's family is too loving. I love how they are supporting nm2 ! And it's too obvious how excited Mak is ! He has countless pictures on his iG from the set of Nm2 including pictures of his Praepailin heheheheh ahhhh ! Goshhhh i am soooo freakin excited for Nm2. I started watching PLR last night, and gahhh I squealed each time Din stares at Cha-Aim !
I can careless about who his real kookwan is to the media hahha because I know who his kookwan tae tae is ;p and he does too LOL yhea I'm stubborn kekekek
MTEAMERS come across too much bullshit to the point where it doesn't phase me ! PEACE eheheh
MTEAM Susu !
Hate is a strong word. Thank you very much. 5555
I still look forward to your new MVs na Smilez. I am actually getting a new laptop tomorrow. Get yours soon if you hadn't yet!
I can feel that many mteam
fans dearly miss your MVs...
well said every1....lol....markim fan doesn't look @ these stuff and avoid it....look @ the who mark kookwan page...LMAO....
poster - I chose MARKim
another poster - THAT's the right Choice
LMAO - when I saw that I was like hahaha....when ppl don't want to see something they won't....they call mteam delusional but we all know who the one who delusional...
My source is mintwix and she always has evidence in everything she post,,,
LOL. When I read those comments you mentioned I just literally shook my head and totally exit for good. 5555 I just cannot allow myself to get tangled in that level of silliness.
aha that is just so insulting and mean from Mark why did he say this not pleasant :smack:
Still just a rumor naaa....
someone saying: "the rumor, said one thousand times, will become true." so , their perseverance to make runmors about mteam. they want everythings as they want to happen, if against their will, they hope to use rumor to cheat.....
I heard this saying before, but I believe repetitions like these create false truths. So the trick is again discerning between real and illusion...Apparently, antifans always choose "solace in rumors and deception."
Real truths are gems.
"Truth is a gem that is found at a great depth; whilst on the surface of this world, all things are weighed by the false scale of custom. "
-Lord Byron
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
-Winston Churchill
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
-Arthur Schopenhauer
for international fans, the biggest problem is the language. If you do not translate this, mint, we'll never know mark so cute, so care NM2. artifans just translation every news which unrelated mteam. So, more misunderstanding caused by.
thank you so much!
mark really straightforward, lovely.
Perhaps there will be more to be revealed when the time calls for it.
mark's sister so many protective and possessive for her bor, hahaha. but I love the girl so much.
This is my third time posting Miang's IG here. Haha. I just think it sends a niceeee message.
I do appreciate how she adores Chalida.
Excuse me? I did not comment in the wrong thread. I can see clearly that this is "Neua Mek 2" thread ka. Why can I not praise Mark with Kim here, especially as I went to my next point?
I think we just all have different expectations and people do not realize when double standards occur. We all have such different perspectives at different times and in different places so our experiences will influence our actions and reactions in myriad ways. No one can monitor the fairness and unfairness of everything that takes place in the world let alone AF after all.
I remember when Vee had posted Mark's birthday picture in the pckk thread, she had to remove it just because Chalida was also in the picture. I didn't think anything was wrong with posting only a couple of mteam's picture there because it was for Mark's birthday after all. But Vee was still considerate and respected the wishes of the people there. It wasn't a big deal and I am sure Jimieyoushi also do not intend to make a big deal out of this.
Although this is only conceptually related, I had also remembered that Fun had once complained on her AF status that a popular subber had blocked(?) her on YouTube because she had (constructively) criticized Yadech. Fun was told perhaps she should not complain about this subber publicly.
Yet, I also remember a troll that had snooped around mteam forum had also complained on her AF status that the mteam administrators had banned her. Although this was done publicly no one reprimanded this troll the way Fun's complaint was disapproved.
Of course, I am just generally musing. I do not intend to revive the past but only to illuminate similar situations yet different experiences.