[Ch3] Neua Mek 2 (Medta Lae Mahaniyom)


sarNie Adult
Ah I accidently clicked on report on accident p' sao! I hope it didn't go through since i stopped the page and went backwards
I meant to grot "like" dumb sensitive phone. I totally agree with what you two said ka.


Expired Sarnie
narkrakdin it didnt go thru. it would have popped up on my screen.

whether it is on the 9th or 14th i dont mind as im enjoying raak boon. i would be happy if it was on the 14, nkt that i dont want nm2 to air but i would like more episodes for rb.


sarNie OldFart
LOL. That's why I stopped typing there. Bringing manikins into the subject is not very relevant and I didn't use the example all that well here. 555555 I guess I just wanted to make the point that MTEAM is loved for wayyyyyyy more than their physical appearances. For some reason, I get the impressions that nonfans don't quite understand this very simple truth just because PLR gave them/us such a bad rep. LOL.
Haahahahahah you got me started on about mannikins 555 Chai ka ! There is so much more to their physical appearances :) Much more kekekek !!!! I swear their cheeks are up so high when they're together ! Lol I felt like Wic3 gave Mak a chance to showcase his real love to Nong Haahahha SS was just the start alright !


sarNie Adult
Yes. That's what all the fans who attended are saying: Mark wouldn't let go even when they finished the song.

Of course, this was most likely staged and scripted but we all know MTEAM is REAL. "Non-fans" always go on about how M&M can't act and they lack chemistry, right? So how the hell did they captivate and capture soooooo many hearts and souls? Maybe rewind to sentence one or even back to 2010. LOL. It is simple: REAL. ;D

Maintain some consistency here ne. You can't say mteam can't act/lack chemistry and then go on to say that M&M fans can't discern between real and performance. You know what I mean? Do I need to elaborate? 555555 In order to garner so many fans they must have either delivered in their performance or there really is something REAL between them that makes them so appealing. Seriously. There may be some shallow people out there but not everyone love MTEAM just because "they look good together." A manikin may be a perfect object but it lacks heart and soul. 55555 I'm just rambling and totally not making sense now. 55555 I used to read some many mind-boggling logic years ago by "non-fans" even back in '10 and '11 55555 so I'm just letting this outta here. ;D

MTEAM's raw chemistry is just out this worlddddd.
Okay, Mint you said almost everything that comes from my mind hahaha Which I have nothing else to say but I'll just say these four letters word, like you...They are simply REAL. End. hahahaha

And that's right their chemistry is totally out of this world hahah Most people, whether they seem to act like they think these two are really siblings and be questioning like why won't they date and all that, are they just simply ignoring MTeam's behaviors, are they blind, are they simply ignorant not knowing the little things between MTeam, or are they just simply acting like they don't know. To be honest, when I read those kind of comments like "Mark, court Mint please.", or "Can't they just be more than siblings?", or "Date each other.", and blah blah blah, I'm getting annoyed of seeing these kind of comments. If they want to know or want MTeam to date, why don't they just look through the little things they do, can't they tell the differences when Mark with other girls and when he's with Chalida, same goes to Chalida as well. Okay, I must people just look through narrow things, but when it comes to big or deep things like these, they simply can't tell the difference between siblings and couples, or acting and real performance.


OMG! I think I have to catch up on 50+ pages!!! Im going to have a heart attack from all of the MTEAM pictures that were recently posted!!!!

BTW- im so happy i found smilez on IG!!! :clap: lol!...now time to do some MTEAM catch up with you all. ^_^


sarNie OldFart
OMG! I think I have to catch up on 50+ pages!!! Im going to have a heart attack from all of the MTEAM pictures that were recently posted!!!!

BTW- im so happy i found smilez on IG!!! :clap: lol!...now time to do some MTEAM catch up with you all. ^_^
Haahhaah we've done a lot of spazzing !!! You need to come back and join us ! Misssssss youuuuu ! Lol

Hahahah :)
I was happy to see you on IG <3 since its been what seems like forever ><

Btw. Welcome back SimplySweet(;


the manikin lol made my day a bit better.
I LOLed after I typed the word too. 55555

Ah I accidently clicked on report on accident p' sao! I hope it didn't go through since i stopped the page and went backwards
I meant to grot "like" dumb sensitive phone. I totally agree with what you two said ka.
You're not trying to get me banned, right N'Nati?

LOL. Kidding of course.

But I swear, having been with mteam for so long, sometimes I feel like a celebrity. I have quite a number of haters even though I have never had real conversations with any of them before. :rolleyes:

narkrakdin it didnt go thru. it would have popped up on my screen.

whether it is on the 9th or 14th i dont mind as im enjoying raak boon. i would be happy if it was on the 14, nkt that i dont want nm2 to air but i would like more episodes for rb.
I remember Margie said RB will have 11 episodes. If NM2 is airing on the 14th, I think there is a live soccer show on Sunday.

Haahahahahah you got me started on about mannikins 555 Chai ka ! There is so much more to their physical appearances :) Much more kekekek !!!! I swear their cheeks are up so high when they're together ! Lol I felt like Wic3 gave Mak a chance to showcase his real love to Nong Haahahha SS was just the start alright !
Oh, mteam. Just thinking about it, they have come soooo far <3. "Hom" was their only real live duet performance together, right? I remember I instantly felt a magnetic attraction towards them. Just with that 3-5 minutes performance but something was so real even then LOL. They were so cutesy and innocent-like back in 2010. But now and then they still blush 5555. From the wic 3's pictures this week and even all the pictures that were revealed this year in 2012.... They've soooo evolved...so much more intimate and mature now.

Okay, Mint you said almost everything that comes from my mind hahaha Which I have nothing else to say but I'll just say these four letters word, like you...They are simply REAL. End. hahahaha

And that's right their chemistry is totally out of this world hahah Most people, whether they seem to act like they think these two are really siblings and be questioning like why won't they date and all that, are they just simply ignoring MTeam's behaviors, are they blind, are they simply ignorant not knowing the little things between MTeam, or are they just simply acting like they don't know. To be honest, when I read those kind of comments like "Mark, court Mint please.", or "Can't they just be more than siblings?", or "Date each other.", and blah blah blah, I'm getting annoyed of seeing these kind of comments. If they want to know or want MTeam to date, why don't they just look through the little things they do, can't they tell the differences when Mark with other girls and when he's with Chalida, same goes to Chalida as well. Okay, I must people just look through narrow things, but when it comes to big or deep things like these, they simply can't tell the difference between siblings and couples, or acting and real performance.
Well, I wouldn't blame them. Not everyone will have the same level of perception and experiences. Then not everyone is also equally informed. The media also plays a big part in shaping people's opinions.

But I know. Sometimes I get annoyed too. 5555 Other times, they are actually flattering and spazzworthy to read. :p

OMG! I think I have to catch up on 50+ pages!!! Im going to have a heart attack from all of the MTEAM pictures that were recently posted!!!!

BTW- im so happy i found smilez on IG!!! :clap: lol!...now time to do some MTEAM catch up with you all. ^_^
Hello, stranger. :welcome1: BACK~~~~~

P'Mak commented on the pic I posted !! Eeeeeks
What did he say !?
He said: "in wer."

Meaning he was really "into" his performance. 55555 Obviously, right? Look at that face. LOL.

Congrats to international MTEAM fans btw!!!!!

So far, he has commented on mm_pantip, princhalida, and now interfc!!!! :yahoo: :dance2: :dance3:


sarNie OldFart
^ohhhh snaps heheheheh ahhhh idk what to reply back to him ahhhhhh ! Fangirling ATM ! CyberStarstruck ATM ahahhaahah ! Greeeeeed ! What to say what to say

Yuppppsss ! Judging by the pics, they have come along wayyyyuyy. I've watched their Hom performance countless times ! Countless hahaha I freakin loved it ! Her sassy push sure did turn p'mak on 555 ! Eeeeks and now in this performance, there's falling, catching to chin touching .... Tai jing !!!!!


^ohhhh snaps heheheheh ahhhh idk what to reply back to him ahhhhhh ! Fangirling ATM ! CyberStarstruck ATM ahahhaahah ! Greeeeeed ! What to say what to say

Yuppppsss ! Judging by the pics, they have come along wayyyyuyy. I've watched their Hom performance countless times ! Countless hahaha I freakin loved it ! Her sassy push sure did turn p'mak on 555 ! Eeeeks and now in this performance, there's falling, catching to chin touching .... Tai jing !!!!!
Oh, how could I have forgotten that spunky, sassy push. 55555 Mak's face after dai jai makkkkk. He's so easily turned on by Chada. :loool:


Thanks everyone...it feels good to be back! I missed you all and MTEAM very much!

@smilez- i saw his comment! LOL! from all the pictures i've seen so far, he sure was into his performance alright! :lol:


sarNie OldFart
Oh, how could I have forgotten that spunky, sassy push. 55555 Mak's face after dai jai makkkkk. He's so easily turned on by Chada. :loool:
Kekekek and that attempted Hom at the end !!!!
P'Mak bit his lips after it hahahaha
Grreeeeeeed ' they are just the cutest ! Ahhhhh p'mak gave his all in that performance ! You can just tell !


The 14th it is <3

Cr: Somrakn, kartarhut, yuijeen
LOL. You know, this is nothing important, but for those who know me... I notice the tiny details (and occasionally point them out :p). I really think K'Somrakn adores MTEAM and even more specifically the 3M girls (Matt, Margie, Mint). He tends to upload these billboards of each lakorns when they're about to air. But I don't think he promoted PCKK at all. Not even the billboard(?). (Then again, there are other people like big Ann fans who help promote already). So I can appreciate K'Somrakn for this. Notice how he put his signature on Neua Mek's billboard picture but he did not do this for any of the other lakorn billboards. You can go check his IG. There are plenty of lakorn billboards and other pictures he uploaded but NM2 was the only one he put his signature on. 5555555 I am still slightly touched he followed mteam international IG. For some reason, I still always remember how he seems sincerely concerned during NM2 fitting too.


Official Chalida&Monchanok Stalker
8 mORE dAYS tO gO


sarNie OldFart
@mint: awwwwwww ! I went back to check kekekek ! Jing si ka ! Love how you pointed that out...I really like the billboard chalida looks superior !!!

Somrakn seems to be a very kind man :)


sarNie Adult
LOL. You know, this is nothing important, but for those who know me... I notice the tiny details (and occasionally point them out :p). I really think K'Somrakn adores MTEAM and even more specifically the 3M girls (Matt, Margie, Mint). He tends to upload these billboards of each lakorns when they're about to air. But I don't think he promoted PCKK at all. Not even the billboard(?). (Then again, there are other people like big Ann fans who help promote already). So I can appreciate K'Somrakn for this. Notice how he put his signature on Neua Mek's billboard picture but he did not do this for any of the other lakorn billboards. You can go check his IG. There are plenty of lakorn billboards and other pictures he uploaded but NM2 was the only one he put his signature on. 5555555 I am still slightly touched he followed mteam international IG. For some reason, I still always remember how he seems sincerely concerned during NM2 fitting too.
you really noticed that little details/things, seriously hahah K'Somrakn probably really adore MTeam, along with 3M girls hahah After you mentioned this, I also appreciate him for caring about MTeam and help promote their lakorn :) Oh yes, just as you mention about NM2 fitting, it brings me back when he went to their set to see the photos and all that haha I respect him :)

K'Somrakn is channel 3 manager or staff... I be hearing his name, but not knowing his occupation hahah