K K Katerine Aug 29, 2011 Thanks for the Birthday comment, back again (until someting pops up I.E Work or/and Uni >.< lol) AND! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY
Thanks for the Birthday comment, back again (until someting pops up I.E Work or/and Uni >.< lol) AND! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY
Prisna Aug 28, 2011 Happy Birthday Honey! May all your wishes come true. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!
ChenrukNote Aug 22, 2011 thank you for the birthday wish. i did have a fantastic one. best birthday of my life yet.
lovestar Aug 22, 2011 I just watched the teaser and it's soo cute how he looks at her but the girl couldve been a bit prettier
I just watched the teaser and it's soo cute how he looks at her but the girl couldve been a bit prettier
aikoden Aug 15, 2011 college starts again today.. but i don't go until evening-night.. im a night person
aikoden Aug 12, 2011 finally finished timing jyls ep8.. now onto daddy duo ep13 i see success coming closer lol.. whooo...
finally finished timing jyls ep8.. now onto daddy duo ep13 i see success coming closer lol.. whooo...
aikoden Aug 6, 2011 decided to make an afuse radio contest video with my lame wmm skills.. but it's the thought that counts right? lol.. wheee....
decided to make an afuse radio contest video with my lame wmm skills.. but it's the thought that counts right? lol.. wheee....