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  • Watching Naked and Afraid. I don't know if I have the gut to go on a show where I have to be naked and sleep that way with a stranger. Not to mention, all the bug bites. I probably give up the very first day.
    I think you should not do it hehe. What are the reactions you get? Back then I went to camps & slept outside in tents and got bitten by insects while sleeping but thank goodness I did not get any allergic reactions from them. I find it harder for women being naked in nature, that every month situation. Well it depends on which kind of naked bodies & in what type of settings for one to get excited seeing naked bodies lol.
    A day? LOL me not even a second especially when there is a camera. No way.
    When I get the reaction I swell up badly. My eyes and tongue is swollen. I get hives everywhere. My chest is tight. Pretty much if I don't go to E.R. and get treatment I probably die from it lol. Every time I go to the E.R. they take me back right away because I'm that bad. The silly thing is, I get the same Doctor twice and he's like, did you used your epipen lol. I would be itching everywhere. The first meeting is when they look their best and they still don't get excited lol
    received my orders from forever21...didn't realize I ordered the same things 3Xs. Now, I have 3 shirts that are the same.
    Just look at the dress, I don't think the top would suit me. I am a bit top heavy for my size. I want something long..there are times a long dress makes me feel sexy. That is what I was thinking, the dusty blue dress remind me somewhat of an Asian dress especially with that belt. Though $98 is a bit much because I will have to get it altered. The length is long
    You can wear heels :)
    Ya' ladies don't wear skirt ? They are such a tease on men * wink*
    The moment you realized that sacrificing yourself for someone that can never fully return your love...you dust your hands, say good bye. You gave it a good try even if your good is not enough. Move on, close that chapter in your life. A memory that hopefully fades in time because it was a painful past.
    And those that receive love took it for granted & choose to love those who.doesn't them back . At the end . Nobody is happy, part way & keep searching for the same love they lost but will never come close
    nicely said
    So true.
    I am so mad at myself. I bought a decorative mirror only to forget it at the store, drove back to get it came home and broke it right away. I didn't even get to use it yet fell right out the bag and shattered. Like really? Can't I at least used it once before it broke.
    lol He's not at fault -- it's just a bad day.
    Darn, I hate when that happened. Hopefully, you will have better luck next time. Your little one wants attention, your attention lol.
    The thing is he does this all the time...When I am I doing nothing he never bothers me, but when I started painting or doing something important...or talking on the phone...I hear mommy...mommy like a broken record lol
    Sigh...this lady met a guy online...fell in love. The thing is she never met him in person before but yet she wired him $1.4 millions. WTH was she thinking? The dude probably is sleeping with her money as his blanket.
    I was so dumb and young...but yeah, I would not sleep with him cause for some reason I wanted to save it for marriage. And that guy I met online was nice enough not to. I know it was the dumbest thing to do. He could have done me great harm but he did not. Seriously, it was just the craziest thing I have done but I don't regret it. But man, I would have gotten killed and no one would know. Both my brothers covered for me so...lol
    I might be a cougar, boy crazy & a big flirt but no man had that big effect on me to skip town w/ or do crazy elopment , it me that leave him waiting w/ empty promise and never get back w/ him. We cougar only stay in our territory .
    Well when you are 19...you think the world is just a sweet lovely place with no bad people. This was like 98 life was still good lol. I never knew I could do it but when I put my mind into it I had to. It was cool though...I don't regret it but I am older now and I would not do such a thing....cause it is a different world we live in now.
    How much hair can you lose a day? I've heard up to 100 strands a day. I don't believe it cause if that's the case I would be bald by now because my hair fall but it barely grow
    Lol..I use my hands to comb my hair. Only once during high school years I was persuaded to highlight just a very very small portion of my hair to brown. I never liked it. I like my hair all natural. They say rinse your hair with cold/cool water is better than hot/warm water.
    do you guys have split hair? I don't.
    I don't have split ends though...so rough from coloring so much. if you guys need a good hair mask "biolage" color last is really good. It is very light on the hair and works great on damage hair. It is not that expensive $20. But worth the money to me. I have tried so many leave in conditioner. But the biolage hair mask so far is the best.
    It is embarrassing when you go shop at the same store every week and they offer you a job lol. I did asked how much of I discount I would get. He said, 20%. I nicely told him, I don't like getting up in the morning :)
    hehe I thought the store is a clothing store. So it is a furniture or HomeGoods/Ikea kind of stores?
    If I live close to a IKEA store I would go there everyday too. I have too much inspirations to want to work on lol
    I want a IKEA store near where I live too. But again maybe not because I bought many things from other similar stores to do but I never even started on them or finished them so I think I might be wasting money ;)
    I went to subway and ordered me a sandwhich and then stupidity and confusion came in lol. I didn't think ordering one was complicated but it turned out that way lol....In my sweet voicec I said, can I have white 12 inch BMT. The guy replied, "you want a foot long". I looked at him funny and said...No, I want a 12 inch. He gave me this stupid look and said, you want a foot long? I was like No, I want a 12 inch lol. My husband had to step in and said, honey that's the same thing...
    Hahaha...sup er salad haha
    LMAO!!!! Omg. I remember one time I went there and said I wanted a 6 piece but I meant 6 inches.
    HEHHE we all have those moments.. I once ordered some "breasts" but forgot to say "chicken breast".. yeah they looked at me all weird
    Got pulled over by a cop at the front gate to my house. I was ready to punch in the code to get it when I realzed a cop was behind me. I saw the cop's light and even asked my son who the cop is after. I can never tell when a cop tries to pull me over. Anyway, the cop was weird cause after he asked me a few questions...out of the blue he asked me where I work at? I was like WTH?? What does that have to do with me being pulled over. I didn't get a ticket though lol
    LOL! You girls have funny "pulled over" stories. The first & only time I got pulled over, I completely went blank & dumb. I stopped right in the middle of the intersection. Unfortunately, the officer wasn't good looking & had a beer belly. He can tell I was so innocent (then). Now that I've work with law enforcement for over 7 years, I became friends with a lot of officers. Some are soooo gorgeous to look at.
    I was in a car that was pull over because of a broken head light and the cop told the driver to get it fix and then he knock at the backside window where i seat (I was asleep) he ask for my license (I left it at home) & then for my name , DOB,address & SS# . He give me a ticket for no seat-beat. How in the world, the driver was pull over but the passenger got a ticket ? LMAO
    LMAO...that was terrible @sarN
    I wonder why guys like girls with long hair more than short hair?
    @sarN, lol...guys, a few are smart who use their brains.
    @byebye, lol, you & hubby are funny.
    hahha...Yes, Ms. Zoe we are just those kind of couple. He told me, he has no idea why he wanted to marry me because I was so goofy, has no fashion sense and so anti-social lol...I told him back that if I had dated him I would have never married him because he was opposite of the man I wanted to marry lol. His respond was..whatever :)
    Life usually gives one the opposite of what he/she wants lol...or it is the opposites attract concept ;)
    Blow drying hair and letting it air out. Which one is better? I heard that they are about the same.
    Little kids say the darnest thing...We were having a birthday party and my son blew out the candles, his cake had decorations of construction related items. He picked up a truck and was about to lick the icing off of it. My niece (6 yrs old) wanted one too...she innocently turned to him and said, you lick the truck and I'll lick the guy. OMG!!!
    Lmao ! AWW ...I want kids!! I just need a man to give those !
    Aw, how cute; yes, kids do say the darnest things. :3
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