lmao.. i just read that ur gonna upgrade to cs5.. wtfudge lol.. ahaha then again.. ur good at cracks unlike me.. lol.. btw.. it was fun hanging with ya'll yesterday XD..
we could still hang out together, but it'll just have to be earlier lol.. im taking 4 classes but 1 of the classes doest begin till october. im taking eng 125, sociology, psychology, & communication.. something like that lol..
lmao.. i see.. i see.. lol.. T_T.. omg chuah.. im starting college on monday ahhh... i feel lazy.. imma be stuck in a 3-4 hours classroom since most of my 3 or my 4 classes are night classes... monday tuesday and wednesday.. eek..
chuah!!! i have to say something.. but dont kill me.. .. i think im starting to like some korean girl groups these days... *gulps* but dont worry.. it's not snsd.. lol..
ahaha... sept. ehh.. still awhile then.. and yea, we def should hang out again.. and navin tar.. well im one of his fans.. lmao.. ahaha.. omg dont tell me you met him.. ahhhhh
yeah i had fun... but the road trip was dead tiring.. ahaha.. my butt hurted.. lmao.. anyways.. i've been sleepin in all the past days.. ahh.. so lazy.. anyways.. when r u 3 movin to LA?
lmao.. wow it has been forever.. ahaha shiz im goin broke ever since the oklahoma trip.. lol.. we'll see what happens.. hehe.. and oh yeah.. of course you'll beat me on the list .. i havent really been active on forums these days..
Congratulations Choua. I hope that you had a wonderful graduation today and I wish you the very best on your bright future. Remember, "All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them." (quote by Walt Disney)
Hi Choua, it's been a while. I hope all is well with you. I'm glad you had a great time at the prom. Anywho, I just wanted to tell you that I used one of your banner designs for my letter to Pong and Aom. I hope that you don't mind and of course I gave you full credit for the design.
im still debating wat song to choose... i kinda feel like using epik high now since they are an inspiring group to me... they are true musicians compared to them whacked musicians.. i'm thinking between these songs.. maze, lesson one, or over... aiyah... difficult!!