lovestar Dec 14, 2012 getting a haircut tomorrow and finally getting a fringe after 4 years. NM2 TODAY!!
lovestar Dec 14, 2012 getting a haircut tomorrow and finally getting a fringe after 4 years. NM2 TODAY!!
lovestar Feb 24, 2012 just 3 weeks into school, and i already have so many tests and assignments? is this world even revovling properly?
just 3 weeks into school, and i already have so many tests and assignments? is this world even revovling properly?
aikoden Oct 23, 2011 I'm doing good. Just getting sidetracked too much hehe. And yup, N'Min is growing up fast! I think he's going to be really popular when he grows up.. Maybe like N'Kao Jirayu
I'm doing good. Just getting sidetracked too much hehe. And yup, N'Min is growing up fast! I think he's going to be really popular when he grows up.. Maybe like N'Kao Jirayu
aikoden Oct 21, 2011 Hey, how've you been? Just wanted to show you this clip of n'min singing with c-quint @c-quint's dance attack concert :)
Hey, how've you been? Just wanted to show you this clip of n'min singing with c-quint @c-quint's dance attack concert :)
lovestar Sep 23, 2011 did i just notice that td ended after a week? i was soo looking forward to it until i couldnt find the TD forum. =(
did i just notice that td ended after a week? i was soo looking forward to it until i couldnt find the TD forum. =(
M M mintwix Aug 23, 2011 Oh, lovestar, you just made me LOL so loud with your recent comments. I loveeee how you don't hold back. HAHAHA
Oh, lovestar, you just made me LOL so loud with your recent comments. I loveeee how you don't hold back. HAHAHA