Rachfull Dec 1, 2018 My Thai TA makes fun of my teacher's English while she makes fun of his Thai and it's the greatest thing ever 555
My Thai TA makes fun of my teacher's English while she makes fun of his Thai and it's the greatest thing ever 555
Rachfull Sep 12, 2018 My roomie hardly ever leaves the dorm but she has more friends than I do and she keeps getting the cute guys when she's taken and I'm single
My roomie hardly ever leaves the dorm but she has more friends than I do and she keeps getting the cute guys when she's taken and I'm single
Rachfull Aug 18, 2018 I downloaded a Thai keyboard onto my phone even though I can't read or write Thai at all and I'm wondering if I should be worried
I downloaded a Thai keyboard onto my phone even though I can't read or write Thai at all and I'm wondering if I should be worried