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  1. lilalee


    There was a girl who got force to marry a older guy because her dad said that he could take care of her and give her a better life cause he was a older guy. That girl and the guy was like 20 years apart. Now she gets beat up everyday because he's a abusive guy. The girl's real father is ashamed...
  2. lilalee

    "My Lucky Star" starring Jimmy Lin

    I love Jimmy Lin too! I could have his baby any day! :P
  3. lilalee


    I seriously think you should do something about it because she is gonna think she can do what ever to you again in the future and these kind of people really need to get a life and grow up and take responsibility. If your brother doesn't do anything about it. What about your parents? Maybe they...
  4. lilalee

    How would you know

    Hey Everyone! Thank you soo much for all your beautiful advice. I think I will have a talk with him and see what he thinks too. I hope it goes well and maybe some day I can make myself happy and enjoy life all over again without having to worry about him getting on my nerves. Some day I will...
  5. lilalee

    How would you know

    These few days I have been feeling kind of strange. I am happy too but sad at the same time. Someone makes me happier than the one I am with. That is why I know I don't love my husband anymore. Don't get me the wrong way but my husband has a lot of secrets he kept away from me and I'm just sad...
  6. lilalee


    Sorry but I wouldn't buy his Cd's.
  7. lilalee

    Oil and Lift Thai singers

    Wow these two guys are very good looking. I wouldn't mind going to see them but I can't. :( Gosh I would love to have a picture taken with them. ahaha So if any one is going then have fun!
  8. lilalee

    hmong gossip! :D

    Oh gosh. This is some serious issues. No wonder people are talking about it then. She's so young! Lets just hope the daddy takes responsibility and as we all know it. Her life is ruin. How sad it is for people who don't think twice before doing something they will regret.
  9. lilalee

    What do you think of your husband or wife now?

    I wish I could of known my husband for a while before I married him. He has a temper problem and probably needs anger management. He also cheated on me too so I really don't know if he loves me. I don't really know if he's hiding more things from me. He really doesn't care about anyone but...
  10. lilalee


    What do you guys and girls consider disrespectful or rude? I hate it when I say hi to people and they don't say hi.. =s I think it's rude when people say Excuse me in a bad tune. I really hate it when a person in the front desk pick up the phone while you're standing there talking to them...
  11. lilalee


    Oh. Well congratulation to her even though I don't know who she is.
  12. lilalee

    dont u hate it when ppl wears the same outfits as u do?

    Yep it's all gonna be the same unless you made it yourself but if you're buying it at a store. Eventually everyone's gonna wear it also. Just like how we all shop at the mall. It just all depends on who looks best in it!
  13. lilalee

    Hluas Nkauj Internet

    Thanks for putting this one up. Love it! Also remind me of my husband. =p
  14. lilalee

    which do you perfer?

    Well I'm pretty sure we all want to be with the one that we love but I've got my heart broken for making that decision. My advice for you. Just go for the one that loves you and be happy.
  15. lilalee

    Proposition 8

    There is nothing wrong with two same sex wanting to be together. As long as they are loving each other than that's all that matters right? Besides, sometime I'm tired of my husband that I could become a bisexual. =p
  16. lilalee

    Lis Ceeb and Mai See Remake

    Sorry. Not really into Hmong movies.
  17. lilalee

    I don't get it?

    I hate guys that cheat on their wife.
  18. lilalee

    dating someone older than you

    I find nothing wrong with the age difference. As long as they love each others. That is all that really matters.