Wow, I got way too giggly after P'Pha said, "I have my method to shut you up. What to try or not?" Lmao. I'm such a teenager.
Yeahyeahyeah! P'Pha and Paothep will work together to defeat the evilss when the time comes.
There I go again giggling like a teenager whenever P'Pha talks about wanting to get Nampeung pregnant, haha. They're just so cute. It makes me happy. Now that I think about it, that's literally their whole relationship! Just P'Pha teasing about getting her pregnant, lol. I swear we hear that convo every episode between them. Ah, i really hate seeing them argue again in ep. 8. Can't wait for the sweetest and happiest episode 9 to be subbed. :3
I like Mae Lamjiak and Nampeung's relationship too. It's kinda funny... ish. It's just nice to see that even though they argue, they still actually like each other. Also glad to see Nampeung being friends with Phikun.
& Pajong, ofc everyone looks down on you. You haven't proven them otherwise.

patheticcccc u r.
oh, P'Pha and Nampeung were so cute dubbing the movie by themselves, hehe. Ugh, sorry but they're just so cute!! What am I supposed to do!!? Lol. They make my cheeks hurt. Friday is here soon...