Yep, we definitely have a moody praek, lol. Even he caught me off guard with his nice/mean mood swings like when he told Nampeung to call him P' instead of naai. Like OMG, calm down! & then he gets all smiley right after, lmao. But yeaaah, kidnapping already happened! Faster than I thought! I'm actually am so interested in all the characters! I think this part is doing a good job so far, I'm very interested. I haven't been bored yet. We have a girl who likes Pa and she's already trying to pick on our nangek but of course, our nangek isn't one to be picked on so easily. hehh. Mookda's small but she have them fierce eyes. I'm writing this as I watch so all my thoughts are a little messy. Nampeung was just forced to marry Pa. I don't really understand why she revealed her true identity cause I would be cautious as heckk with a bunch of thieves. Can't wait for subs! Hehe. But Pa's happy. Look at him admiring his future bride, so cutee. LOOOL, he said he hasn't done anything yet to nangek, he's waiting to get married first, omgg. Mookda plays a scared young woman well. ): She's making me root for her escape! But for entertainment and lakorn purposes, lool... It can't happen. Ugh, Mookda's so cute in this role, i can't. Her little gestures and body language are spot on. Why does this have to end, I wanna continue!! TMRR!! Please come soon. I'm obsesseddddd.