❤️ Friendly REMINDER!


sarNie Oldmaid
yea like u aint supposed to gamble at midnight or somethin cause dats when da spirits come out. i was bout to say u aint supposed to vote at midnight LOL and u aint supposed to gamble when ur tired cause da bad spirits can get u when ur tired like dat.


Mama Noy ♥️
Oohhhh I seee... that's interesting. LOL. I don't gamble anyways but i'll keep that in mind when i go to vegas one of these days. :lol:


Mama Noy ♥️
Oh I knoww.... I wanna hit the clubs. :lol:
I went there once when I was about 12. It was pretty cool.
Didn't ride the rollercoasters because I hate rollercoasters. :lol: but I did play the games!


Mama Noy ♥️
Ohhh noo... I'm a chicken when it comes to rollercoasters! I don't like that feeling. *Shivers*

So all those theme parks I tend to stay away. LOL.


sarNie Oldmaid
oh my garsh it's soo fun! i went to 6 flags w/ my friends and i went on 2face w/ my friend's lil brother. i was laughing da whole time but he cried lol he was scared lol


Mama Noy ♥️
LOL. I'll probably cry & puke! :lol: Rollercoasters aren't my thing. The funny thing is I can ride rides that include water, but if it's just a rollercoaster, forget it! LOL.


Mama Noy ♥️
Oohh yeahhh... :lol:

Last summer, I went fishing with two of my guy friends. We took a boat. One of my friend asked me if I get motion sickness. I was like "no... I'm fine..." But then as we sailed further and as the boat kept rocking up and down, back and forth... I started getting sick! My head started hurting, my ears were plugged, I felt like shit! I ended up puking! Plus it was cold too & I didn't have a sweater! I had to borrow my friends' jaket. So that trip was just.... BAD... blah... My friends were tryna take pictures of me looking like crap! NEVER AGAIN am I going fishing... <_<


sarNie Oldmaid
oh my goodness. aw dat sounds awful. i don't get motion sick dat easily. i'm fine anywhere but i did feel uncomfortable after eating on a cruise lol but dats da worst it was. my brother used to get motion sick real easily. he'd puke if he's in da car for more than 1hr


Mama Noy ♥️
Arghh I knoww... it was a pain in the ass... standing up gave me a headache, laying on the bench was hard. LOL. It was soo bad... We got on the boat at round 7 & we didn't return to port until 1! I swear I felt like dying. haha.

awee... being in the car for soo long makes me sleepy. LOL.


Mama Noy ♥️
Me too! I'm constantly yawning whenever i'm in the passenger seat. :lol: or if i'm the backseat.

Ever since the boat ride, my mama's been clowning on me! She'll always bring up the subject of fishing and boat rides... that lady... <_<


sarNie Oldmaid
LMAO noy hahaha. oh man on friday me and my friend went out to eat and on da way home we were talking and then i felll asleep LOL she was driving. i tried to stay awake but my eyelids got real heavy and i just let me head drop lol


Professional Lakorn Watcher
omg.. I really want to go eat some indian food. the only thing is that, no one in my family liles indian food, so I don't really get to go. If i'm lucky, I'll get to eat some indian take out. I love green curry, and not so much the red thai curry.