❤️[ONE31] Hua Jai Sila (?): Tor Thanaphob/ Fernynop Nopjira/ Ann Sirium/ Ben Raviyanun/


sarNie OldFart
Sigh...what I love about Sila above all his flaws with Minta...one thing that he does and will always soften my heart is when Minta touches him. No matter how many times she does it, he acts like it's the first time she ever touched him. The look he gave out as he looks at her hand on him. It's like that moment stand still for him...even if briefly. That's how much he value her touch.


sarNie Hatchling
I really don't like the person Sila is becoming. He's really invested in his revenge and has not realised that he may stoop as low as them even. I understand his fury, that's natural and he's avenging them for how heartless they are. But he's retaliating with violence now too... Not good :((

At least there are more Min scenes this episode but still, I'm not the biggest fan of Sila at the moment. Particularly as Min apologised and warned him out of concern, but he's too much of an idiot to realise what's important. And she's standing right in front of him!!!


sarNie Egg
Sida and Sawit's violent tendencies are way too much, like it's so f'ed up I couldn't watch, absolutely disgusting. Also, as much as I hate what's happening to Sila because of his hate, I want someone to hurt them as much as they're hurting others. But I know he'll probably lose himself in the process...


sarNie Adult
Oh my god, the preview of Ep. 16 seems like Kwan is going to do something bad to Min.


sarNie Egg
Oh my god, the preview of Ep. 16 seems like Kwan is going to do something bad to Min.
I knowww :( she is such a witch!

Sila is going to lose his mind next week, with the two women he loves getting hurt.

I LOVE the acting and the chemistry. When she held onto his hand, his resolve ever so slightly shifted on his face, his internal struggle to balance his quest for revenge and love.

I regret... Regret not waiting til this drama is over then binge lol

I agree with some of the comments here. The violence against women in these lakorns is so hard to watch/stomach. I hope it gets toned down a bit.