Episode 18
Someone is following Mam(She knows she is)
(Wael) Mam. I think someone is following us. I know. Sida is vicious and unafraid of the law. It wasn't enough that she ordered a bomb planted to kill Si and even after we leaked news that Si is dead she sill won't end it. (Mam) It won't end easily. If no one ends the game.
Devil Club(Night time)
Mam is there, Min comes. (Wael) I said that Mam isn't seeing guests! Let go. (Min) Mam. Tor isn't dead, right? Get out first, Wael. But Mam... Walls have ears. Doors have eyes. I know what I need to say. (Aww Min is crying

) (Mam) You look like you lost weight. Mam. Please tell me the truth. You saved Tor's life, right? Truth is, Tor isn't dead, right? Have you contacted anyone? Not yet. (Mam is writing something, she gives it to Min) Can you go check the penthouse for me?(I think it is where Sila is

). Right now my penthouse needs a caretaker. What do you mean? The day you go take this letter with you.(It's so a letter for Sila) And... who do you want me to give it to? When you get there, you'll know. (Mam put's her hand on Min's) I love my penthouse very more. I never thought that anyone could take care of it in place of my sister, but now I found it.(Meaning she can take care of Sila)

. I believe that you can decorate the empty and heartless room to have life again. (I think Min now knows) Hurry and go. (Aww Mam is crying

Sida house(Now Sila)
She get's a call. Hello? Who is it? I know that Si took your house and company shares. If I return everything to you will you stop sending people to follow me? Mam. Why is it so easy? I thought you'd be tougher. Because I want to live in peace. My nephew is dead already. I'm handling all of Si's assets. If you want your house and shares back then tomorrow come meet me at Devil Club. You're luring me to your territory? Will I get killed? But fine. If you dare invite me then I'll dare go. (Mam) I should have handled you from the start, not Si. The end. OMG that promo.