Episode 20
Tor and Min are still sleeping, Tor wakes up, he looks at Min(Ahh the song

) He puts his hand on her head, and plays with her hair cute.) Min's phone goes off and wakes up Min so he moves his hand. Then pretends to be still sleeping, she turn's it off and looks to see if it woke him up, she get up and leaves the room to take the call, he opens up his eyes again.
He is now listening in.
(Min) Bang. Did you give dad medicine yet? It's pass time now. Hurry and give dad medicine now. When I'm done I'll hurry back. (Min sees Tor) Tor. Why did you come out? Go back and rest. (she goes to help him back to the bed but he stops her) I don't have time left to rest. (Min) You're insisting on going back for revenge? Don't worry about me. (He walks away she follows) (Min) If I can't stop you from getting revenge(She grabs his wrist) then you can't stop me from worrying about you eithier. (Aww they way he looks at her

) Aunt Mam warned me all along that whatever I do to have sense. But because I was too overconfident in myself that the person with loss and regret today is me. Tor. (Aww they hold hands now

) I lost one woman that I love already. (Now he wipe her tears) Today I won't lose you as well. (AHHH) (Min) I don't want anything to happen to you either. (Ahh they hug) Don't worry Min. Sida can never do anything to me. Right now she still thinks that I'm dead. But Tor... Min. I promise Sida will know the truth the day she pays for her sins. Everything is in the grave. (He put's his hand on her face) I promise. I promise.( Okay now he kisses her forehead ahhhh, shipper down lol)

. PS that is a long kiss. they way they look at each other
