Episode 22
At the Penthouse.
Min comes out of her washroom that is in her room. Tor is outside her room. (He knock's on the door, she doesn't answer so he keep's knocking


She finally goes to see. What is it? Oh. Well I just wanted to ask last night did you sleep well? This room is hardly used. I was afraid there will be dust. I'm okay. I can sleep. Last night I slept well. Don't worry. It's late. Sweet dreams. (She goes to close the door but he stop's her) Hey. Wait, Min. Well...I think the air... (He comes in her room) The air in this room isn't cold. Oh, Min. The air in this room isn't cold. The air conditioner in my room is colder. It's alright. I don't like to sleep in cold air conditioned rooms. It's late. You should go back to your room. I'm going to sleep. (She takes his arm and pulls him to the door) I'm going to sleep now. Oi Min. Min. See? Why is there dust and you didn't tell me? I told you the dust in this room...(She pulls on his arm again) Tor, it's late. Go to sleep. I'm going to sleep now.(She start's pulling him to the door but he turn's her and now he is back hugging her) Tor. You tricked me. Hmm. Let go. I'm sorry. I just miss you(Aww) This morning I woke up I wanted to see your face. And Bak said you went to work already. And by the time you came back it's 8pm. You don't miss me? Let go of me now. Oi, why are you chasing me? Let go. Why do you keep chasing me? Tor, let go. (Now she is facing him they are still hugging) Why do you keep chasing me? (Min covers her mouth) (Tor) I love you. (Aww he kisses hand that is covering her mouth, she hit's his chest

) Crazy man. (She just to move but he back hugs her again) It hurts. Hey, don't struggle. Let go. Enough, let go now. It's late. If you struggle so much I might fall. Hey, don't play tricks. Let go of me right now. Oi! Let go. I'm falling. (they fall on the bed) Tor. Tor. Let go.(He is still holding her) Hey. What are you doing?(he put's his legs on her's) Let go. What are you doing? Pervert. Hey. Can you tell me now? huh? (he gives her little kisses on her head?) Huh? You don't need to say stuff like this. But you know from their action. Let go. (He let's go and she get's up) Tor. hmm It's late. I'm going to sleep. You're going to sleep already? (He pats the bed) You won't get out right? (He smiles) Alright. I'll go then. I'm going to sleep in another room. (She goes to leave he get's up and go after her) Min. Min. (He turn's her so she is facing him) Good, let's go. (but then she let's go and goes back in the room) Oi, Min. Min. Sweet dreams(she closes the door) He knocks on the door. Did you really think I'd go sleep outside? You can trick me, so I can trick you as well. Min. Sweet dream. (He knock's more) Min. (She sit's on the bed) Min. (they are both smiling. Min. (She looks and plays with the ring he gave her, then she get's into bed to sleep he goes to leave then stop's she get's up. She looks outside her room) Did you change your mind? (She closes the door again)

(She sit's on the bed again) Go sleep now. Hmm. (She plays with ring again, he leaves) OMG loved that scene
