haha...Ronnapee Ruk PiengKwan ONLY!!! Maker better TOP his love for PiengKwan....it just soo hard for me to see it since I tried to watch this lakorn 3-4x cuz I liked Ae and I felt p'k don't deserve her...he love and respect her as a friend..but in general he have love and respect for ppl even the little sister (ying sister). I understand
in·fat·u·a·tion -an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.
I don't know if this is the word for it...it's intense yes but it was by far shorted lived...in fact his infatuation for Khun Ying was over 10 years!!! He loved her since he was Young until she died
so i was watching the VDO clip of them at his graduation sooo lol
J: Mint lakorn is currently airing
ppl/mint : It already ended
J; hehehe...OoOoo
M: that mean you didn't watch it
J: yes I did
M: what's my character name

iengKWAN ...ahhhh...he's soo cheeky!!