Hi,I'm surprised to see Por Nattuwat on the list. Sorry, but I can't find his attractive side.
For Por (N), he does have a lot of fans. He's still No. 1 P'Ek for ch. 7. Don't be surprised at all because his fans are all countrywide
Hi,I'm surprised to see Por Nattuwat on the list. Sorry, but I can't find his attractive side.
I agree, and Kob and Ken will never have a chance to pair up unless Ken wants to move to ch.7. Now, he belongs to ch.3.Sorrie Jackie, but Ken hasn't acted with Kob :wavecry: and he's number 1... No correlations as to how hot the p'ek is and if they acted with Kob. It was good analysis though
lol. i totally agree. there were countless of them and i couldnt even choose. too bad theres not many nowadayzthere were hotter p'ek in the olden days hahah =)