sarNie Egg
I know the original title for this drama, but I don't know the Hmong title for this drama. I remember seeing it when I was a kid, and now I want to watch it again. Any clues on what the Hmong title is? The original title is "Tears in Heaven" "苍天有泪".

Synopsis: Xiao Yifong is the oldest child in the Xiao family, and she had to take the responsibility to take care of her 4 younger siblings after her father died from a tragic death in the hands of Cha Yoonsin during a fire. Yufeng and her younger sister, Yijian, who is not much younger than she is, found a job at a entertainment place where both of them sung in there as their occupation to earn money to support the 3 younger siblings. Meanwhile Yifong and Yijian work as singers, Cha Yoonfoy, the older half-brother of Cha Yoonsin, had been secretly stalking Yifong ever since he knew that his younger half brother had killed her father due to the fire. Yoonfoy tried to compensate for his younger brother evil deed by helping out Yifong pay her youngest sister's hospital bill since she got burned during the fire that caused the death of their father. Yifong realized that Yoonfoy was a good-hearted man after that incident, so she started to fall for him, and he started to fall for her. He frequently visited her and her family at their house and develop a relationship with her under the disguise name of Xu Mumbai. Yifong was unaware that her beloved "Xu Mumbai" was actually the elder brother of Cha Yoonsin, their enemy. Therefore, she fell deeply in love with Mumbai/Yoonfoy thinking that there would be no trouble. However, one night while she and Yijian was working at their workplace, Yoonsin confronted Yifong and Yoonfoy surprisingly. Yoonsin purposely announced that he was the younger brother of Mumbai/Yoonfoy to Yifong and Yijian, which caused Yijian to be filled with rage and Yifong to be dumbfounded. For days, Yifong tried to ignore Mumbai/Yoonfoy because she then knew that he was related to their enemy, and because of that reason, she believe that she shouldn't improve their relationship any further. Although she tried her best to avoid him, she couldn't because she grew to fond of him. One morning, she traveled to her old house that was burnt down by Cha Yoonsin without her younger siblings knowing, and questioned herself if what she was doing was right, or not. Yifong concealed a knife within her clothes with a thought of actually killing herself to escape from the tough decision that was set upon her: avenge the death of her father with her younger sister Yijian, or continue to love Yoonfoy/Mumbai? Luckily, before she had the chance to kill herself, Yoonfoy/Mumbai located her, and tried to talk things out with her. He tried to make her listen to his reason on why he lied to her about his name, but she refused to listen to him. Yoonfoy/Mumbai kept on inching closer to her everytime he wanted to explain to her, so out of fright and peer-pressure, she pulled out her concealed knife and stabbed Yoonfoy/Mumbai in the stomach. After she realized what she had just done to him, she quickly regretted it. Yoonfoy/Mumbai on the other hand didn't hate Yifong for her careless action, and actually understood why she would stab him. Instead, he continued to show his love towards her even though he was wounded seriously by her. While Mumbai/Yoonfoy was wounded, he would secretly escape his house with the help with one of his servant, and meet up with Yifong so that he could have a chance to fully explain himself to her. Finally, one day he was able to tell Yifong that he lied to her about his name because if he told her his real name, she wouldn't want to talk to him at all. Yifong found that really charming of him, so she decided to continue their relationship with her younger sister, Yijian, refusing it. But as time pass, Yijian approved of their relationship, and soon later, the whole Xiao siblings decided to not avenge their father's death any longer. (More dramatic stuff happened than this, but I just shortened it.)
Below is the Original Opening for this Drama
P.S. In the Hmong version, they used the song "999 Roses" sung by Samuel Tai as the opening song.