[3SD] Naree Rissaya (Who & Who) Benz Nutthida / Mark Khanatsanun


Just staring into those eyes, warms my heart. ♡
Saiparn will have her baby don't worry... not going to spoil everything that happens.

But Nida goes into shock after she pushes her father......Napat takes her somewhere, she almost recovers but Sirikanya finds her..................................:fighting3::fighting3::fighting3::p;):cursing2:


sarNie Granny
Ahhhh... well, just tell me one thing, she had baby before or after she & Napa wanted Poodit to take care of Crazy Nida?


sarNie Granny
Oh' no! Who watch my babies if everyone went to the country side house lolll I want to see the baby!!


sarNie OldFart
Gosh if it ends this week, everything will happen so quick. This kinda storyline should have more episode so everything should develop in a good pace instead of rushing everything towards the end.


sarNie Granny
Most good lakorn are like that . I haven't seen a perfect lakorn yet where from beginning to end it was wrap up in a nice little bow.


Just staring into those eyes, warms my heart. ♡
If they ever have a remake I hope they add more screen of Poodit and Saiparn!:crybaby2::crybaby2:


sarNie Granny
I think the only thing lack in this lakorn is romance loll, we don't really care about Poodit & Nida relationship


sarNie Granny
Already thinking of a remake well then hopefully they put more that one bedscenes lol
You didn't see all those bed scene ? One when they fall in bed together, second when he came knocking at her room in the middle of the night -- while she was in bed, third at the company room ( first thing we saw was a bed) lol


Just staring into those eyes, warms my heart. ♡
Lol more bed scenes :risas3:
Well I believe it can be remade better... more romance between each pair. If I didn't watch the whole drama from the beginning I would have thought it was Poodit and Nida, Saiparn and Napat... Porkeaw and Narin there isn't much between them.


sarNie OldFart
Yup, this will definitely will get remake. The storyline is good, but the romance is poorly executed. Is it because these actor are still young and this is an evening lakorn, that's why there's not much romance??


sarNie Hatchling
You didn't see all those bed scene ? One when they fall in bed together, second when he came knocking at her room in the middle of the night -- while she was in bed, third at the company room ( first thing we saw was a bed) lol
Girl u know what bed scenes I'm talking about more actions rather than checking up, falling down etc. See this is the conversations we go thru when 2 cougar ladies get all work up lmao


sarNie Hatchling
Lol more bed scenes :risas3:
Well I believe it can be remade better... more romance between each pair. If I didn't watch the whole drama from the beginning I would have thought it was Poodit and Nida, Saiparn and Napat... Porkeaw and Narin there isn't much between them.
Lmao lots just like sanaeha sunya kaen. What like 4 Times lmao:risas3:


Just staring into those eyes, warms my heart. ♡
นารีริษยา the official facebook update


The household situation causes the eldest brother, like Narin to must decide and do something for people in the family. And Panita, will her symptoms recover or become more severe.
