sarNie Oldmaid
Thanks so much^^ I enjoyed reading their interview so much. They are so adorable!! :blush:^LOL. Yeah, it's been posted a couple of times already, but it's okay. I don't feel bad for them yet, because it's actually cute, more than anything. But I'd also rather not have the reporters bombard them like that over and over again. Once in a while is more than enough.
ip.smilez. Thanks for sharing your videos. I'm still not over MTEAM.
Came in to drop this link. I've translated Mark and Mint's interviews. It'll draw out at least a couple more squees, I reckon.
Link's here:
Can't wait to watch them! I know they're going to be GREAT^^ Love it!!FINALLY FINISHED THE LAST 2 PARTS TO MY MINI-MOVIE MTEAM
I want MTEAM to pair up again. I want to see MINT dressed up in wedding dress/PRINCESS! She'll loook even lovelier! :wub:

Alot of fans think Mint ressembles AMY KLIPRATON.. MAYBE their smile. I sorta thought MINT ressemble a very little of KOB.S but now I think she really ressemble another version of RITA! The young version!