Hmm, if you ask me, basically PLR production team got much of the concept wrong.
They had a lot of things wrong.
Like you said, Din's calm humor was missing in PLR. And somehow, I really think that they got Cher-Aim's character wrong too by making her a bit too annoying for many.
These things that we’ve complained about here actually aren’t much different from the complaints on Pantip. Thai fans there speculated that the production team for PLR failed to communicate closely with the other three production teams. So the result is that their understanding of each character’s personalities and relationships with each other did not harmonize well with the visions of the other production companies.
Take for example, in PLR, Fai calls Jeed, “Khun Jeed,” but in WPM, he often calls her “My wife.” This changes the audience’s perception of their relationship dynamics quite drastically. But, which Fai do you think comes closest to the Fai you’ve met from TH and DJA? Is it the PLR-Fai or WPM-Fai?
Such simple words. “My wife” and “Khun Jeed.” You get where I’m going from here, right? I’m going back to the importance of taking care of the subtle nuances that we’ve discussed before at least 30+ pages ago. Those little things can make so much difference and draw out so much depth in a piece of fiction.
A lot of people complained (esp on YT) about Mint's acting. Interesting to note that someone here, iirc, once said that Mint is one actress who tends to follow the director's instructions. Well, I don't know whether it's just an opinion by that person but it could also be the case (which I think is more likely)
Rasa said that and I don't doubt it. As a rule, actors and actresses are supposed to listen to the director’s suggestion.
I’d also say, the people who complain about Mint’s performance know little about how much power the director holds. They, surely, hold more than they are credited for by the general audience. They have it in their power to project an image to the audience the way they deliberately envisioned it. What we see is, more than anything, largely a result of their manipulation.
For example, in the beginning, quite a few people (including very briefly myself) complained that Mark and Mint lack chemistry—which for those who have seen them interact BTS know this to be untrue. They actually have the most chemistry out of all four pairings. But for PLR, I recall there were a few people who said that Din and Cha-aim seemed more like siblings than potential lovers. Well for those people who thought this, you can’t totally blame Mark and Mint for projecting this image and vibe when that’s exactly what the director intended.
In this interview, Mint explains the directions she was given from Khun King. The director specifically told her that Din viewed Cha-Aim as a little sister. (I’m assuming this direction was given only in the beginning stages of Din and Cha-Aim’s relationship, because otherwise, I’ll have to call---INCEST!)
I must also add--since I’m discussing the director’s contribution and all—that seeing the dramatic difference in so-called “chemistry” between Din-Cha-Aim and Mark-Mint, really forced me to re-examine my understanding of the word. I came to this conclusion that people use the word a little too loosely. I think people erringly assign the same meaning to the word when it’s meaning changes according to the context in which we discuss them.
This is how I’ve come to see it:
On-screen chemistry happens with the aid of forces beyond the actors’ and actresses’ control. It’s scripted, so there are other creative processes that go on behind the work to affect what we see. That’s why I don’t think I’ll ever give full credit (or crap) to actors and actresses anymore. I won’t praise (or bash) their “chemistry” (or lack thereof) anymore, because the people who have a say in the BTS works also deserve a nod of recognition (or a cold shoulder) in creating, or not creating, that “chemistry.”
On the other hand, off-screen chemistry between two people is where I consider chemistry, at its
purest form, happens, because that’s when it’s unscripted and undirected by a third person.
This is also why I like the Keira Knightly quote that you posted, where she says the chemistry we see onscreen isn’t between the actual people, but it’s created by a common vision shared by both the onscreen characters AND the BTS staffs.
One of them is real, the other is an illusion.
Another reason why I'm leaning towards blaming those people - even Din's parents look like they are out of their elements in PLR. And they're supposed to be very experienced actors. If they themselves could not act well under this kind of direction / script, what more can we say about the youngsters ?
Oh, they deserved to be blamed. A good number of people on Pantip actually don’t blame Mark and Mint. People there are actually quite more aware of the consequences of having a poor script, director, etc. than the people on Youtube that you referred to.
It's really unfortunate. Both Mark and Mint have a lot to be thankful for when they've been given the opportunity to star in ch. 3's biggest project of the decade. The fact that they are young and less experienced is more reason why they must be grateful despite the inferior quality of the production team for PLR.
Yes, less of the employees, servants and Cher-Aim's siblings would be better, much better. I don't really mind the second couple (Rung + Nathee) but I seriously feel they got more screen time than Din-CherAim put together. Sometimes I feel like comparing the total amount of screen time between the two couples ... like I have nothing else to do - hahah
I’ve read that the plot is completely different for the novel. My DJA novel came already, but I haven’t been wanting to touch it now. I’m waiting for my PLR, which should come this week.
Oh yes. there's not enough BROMANCE here. When did Fai and Lom first appear ? Very late in the story, I'd say. Why oh why ?
They couldn’t even add BROMANCE to redeem themselves. YO.
To add to the list - hate the wardrobe (can't say enough about Din's checked shirts :thumbdown

, hate the hairstyles (Din's and Cher-Aim's both) and of course the make-up. Stark difference compared to the other 3 series.
I overlooked these exterior factors; but seeing the superior qualities in WPM only adds to my feeling of loss for PLR.
What really sealed my sentiments was when someone mentioned that there's no official MVs for PLR because the production company could not prepare them on time. So what does that tell you ?
Simple. They’re made of _____. (Hint: Four letters)
I hope I didn’t overwhelm anyone with my essay.
Because if I did, I’m not sorry. >.<
Also, thanks
mahsuri, for opening a path for me to rant again.