-YKM Hmong Laos Entertainment:Do you have YKM PRoduction and Hmong Production phone number? Please!!!!
Note: the ones with stars next to it are the updated ones
Atitarn Ruk (Kev hlub tsis txhaum leej twg) starring Pim P and Captain: uploaded by emaewhy
Awayjee See Chompoo (Dab laug tham kawg yog hluas nraug) starring Ja J. and Por T: uploaded by tubhm00vaj
Badarn Jai (Tsis Paub Tias Lub siab hlub koj) starring Margie adn Aum: uploaded by 1moviefreaks
Buang Rak Kammathep (see diamongsXx13 for the first half) (Vim ntxub thiaj tau hlub) starring Bee and Pong: uploaded by ladiepa123
*Ching Chung (Kev hlub tsis muaj dab tsi pauv tau) Starring Captain, Pim etc... uploaded by ladiepa123
Dao Puen Din (Ua zaj ntxeev Vim Koj) starring Noon Woranuch and Vee: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Dome Tong (Tos koj njob doos thoos) starring Tua Sarunyu and Nampeung: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Duay Raeng Atitarn (Mam hlub koj lwm tiam) starring Kob Suvanant and Tua Saranyu: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Dung Duang Haruthai (Tus hlub nyob nroog pa thus lav) starring Kwan Usamanee and Weir: uploade by fs7
Hua Jai Sila starring Bie Sukrit and Fang: uploaded by rainilite
Hima Tai Prajan (Hlub Tsis Yooj Yim) starring Sornram, Pat Napapa, Film R: uploaded by pahoualee2000
Hoi An Chun Ruk Tur (Tus hlub nyob nyab laj teb) starring Janie Tienphosuwan and Dan Worawech: uploaded by emaewhy
Jai Rao (Txhob tsim txom kuv lub siab) starring Ken T. and Aff T: uploaded by tubhm00vaj
Jam Loey Rak (Ncauj ntxub nplooj siab hlub) starring Aum Atichart and Aff T: uploaded by emaewhy
Jao Sao Barn Rai (Koj yog kuv tus nkauj nyab) starring Namfon Patcharin and Por T: uploaded by 00starryxing00
Jon Plon Jai (Tub Sab nyiag tau kev hlub) starring Donut and Num Sornram: uploaded by 00starryxing00
Kaew Lorm Phetch (Kuv Nplooj Siab Nyob Ntawm Koj) starring View and Son: uploaded by goong4u
Kaew Luem Korn (Kuv Niam koj nyob qhov twg) starring Aom Piyatida and Captain: uploaded by fs7
Kaew tah Pee (Koj yog kuv lub ntsiab muag) starring Tik and Cherry: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Kaew Tah Pee (Ntuj yeej tso wb los sib hlub) starring Tik J. and Cherry K: uploaded by emaewhy
Ka Neung Ha (Ntuj tso koj los rau kuv) starring Patson Sarindu and Ning Kullasatree: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Khun Chai Rai Lem Gwean (Kev hlub txiav tsis tau) starring Film and Janie T: uploaded by pebhaishmoob
King kor rang kang kor rang starrring Kwan Usamanee and Oil Thana: uploaded by rainilite
Kol ruk game payaabaht (Txoj kev hlub nyob nram hiav txwv) starring Kob Suvanant and Charkrit: uploaded by fs7
Kon Por Rap Jam (Nyiag hlub koj) starring Num Sornram and Kob Suvanant: uploaded by fs7
Koo Gum 1990 (Txoj Hmoo Sawm) starring Kwang and Bird Thongchai: uploaded by pahoualee2000
Koo Gum 1 (Tiam ntawv hlub) starring Benz P. and Num Sornram: uploaded by caslubmim
Kwaam Lap Kong Superstar (Tus hlub tiag yog neeg zoo) starring Bee, Pong, Best and Captain: uploaded by juxna
Kwarm Lap Kong Superstar Txoj Kev Hlub Zais Ntawm Superstar) starring Best, Pong, Captain and Bee: uploaded by goong4u
Leh Rai Ubai Ruk (Hlub mus ib ntxis) starring Kat Katreeya and Charkit: uploaded by fs7
Leh Ratree (Kev hlub muaj hwj chim) starring Pepper and Ann: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Luerd Nai Din (Pauj kev chim tau kev hlub) starring Kwan U, Arnas R: uploaded by purplenitte
Luk Mai Klai Tong starring Andrew Gregson and Kob Suvanant: uploaded by rainilite
Luerd Kattiya (Hlub koj tsis dhuav) starring Aom P. and Tik J: uploaded caslubmim
*Nang Tard (Ua siab ntev tiag tau ua niam tsev) starring Kob and Vee: uploaded by ladiepa123
Mafia Tee Ruk (Nraug Laib tus ntxim hlub) starring Pat Napapa and Chakrit: uploaded by fs7
Mia Luang (Txiv Neej Lub Siab) starring Pok P, Aum P and Tor: uploaded by ladiepa123
Nang Nak (Poj dab nkuaj zaj) uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Ngao Asoke (Hlub raws txoj hmoo) starring Pueng and Pong: uploaded by fs7
Ngao Asoke (Nkauj Ntsuag Txoj Kev Hlub) starring Peung and Pong: uploaded by MAGNALIA18
Oum Rak (Yuam Kev Tau Hlub) starring Ken T. and Ann T: uploaded by lakornz08
Pla Lah Sung Klung (Hlub koj ib leeg) starring Namfon Kullanat and Pat Patson: uploaded by pebhaishmoob
Ploy Lom Phet (Hlub nrog kev ntsim siab) starring Bee Sawiss and Namfon Kullanat: uploaded by 00starryxing00
Phom Rak Roy Adeed (Ua zoo tau zoo ua phem tau phem) starring Kwan Usamanee and Win Tawin: uploaded by 1moviefreaks
Prissana (Ncauj tso siab tseem nco) starring Tik J. and Teya Rogers: uploaded by emaewhy
Preuksa Sawad (Hlub los mob tso los nco) starring Namfon, Chatchai and Aon: uploaded by diamondsXx13
Rachinee Morlum (Niam lub kua muag) starring Paul P. and Joy Siriluk: uploaded by maylena11
Rak Nee Hua Jai Rao Jong (Koj yog kuv lus npaus suav) starring Janie T. and Ken T: uploaded by 1moviefreaks
Rak Diew Kong Jenjira (Hlub Koj Casciaslas) starring Willy McIntosh and Joy Siriluk: Uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Ruk Sorn Kaen (Hlub Zais Ntxub) starring Pat N. and Paul P: uploaded by iluv805
Ram Pissaward (Neeg txaij plawv) starring Paul and Pat: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Rang Rit Pissaward (Tsawg tiam los tseem hlub) starring Aum P and Stephan S: uploaded by purplenitte
Ray Rai Louk Sao Pa (Thov Hlub Nrog Hluas Nkauj Hav Zoov) starring Cee Siwat and Alexandra: uploaded by goong4u
Roy Adeed Hang Ruck starring Bie Sukrit and Mew: uploaded by rainilite
Roy Leh Sanae Rai (Txoj kev hlub loj dua nyiaj txiag) starring Aom P and Tik J: uploaded by emaewhy
Samee (Kev hlub yuam tau meej mom) starring Joy Siriluk and Pol Tuntasatian: uploaded by 00starryxing00
Samee Ngern Phon (Tus txiv yuam nqi) starring Joy Siriluk and Pol Tuntasatian: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Sapai Look Toong (Ntxub tau hlub dhuav tau yuav) starring Janie T. and Mart: uploaded by lakornz08
Satree tee lok luerm (Tseem tos kev hlub) starring Noon and Oil: uploaded by MAGNALIA18
Sawan Biang (Ntuj tsis ncaj ncees) starring Ken and Ann: Uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Songkram Nang Fah (Lub Neej Lwj Siab) starring Bee Namthip and Pong: uploaded by iluv805
Suparp Burud Chao Din (Kev hlub ua rau txawj hloov pauv) starring Pinky Sawika and Oil Thana: uploaded by fs7
Silamanee (Xi la ma nis yog puav pheej cog cias) starring Paul and Kob: uploaded by MAGNALIA18
Tae Pang Korn (Nrhiav Hlub koj txhua tiam) starring Num Sornram and Ann Thongprasom: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Tang Fah Tawan Diew (Wb zoo ib yam) starring Tik Jedsadaporn and Janie Tienphosawan: uploaded by emaewhy
Tard Ruk Torranong (Vim dabtsi kev hlub thiaj qab zib) starring Pim P and Captain: uploaded by stacievangest
Tueng Rai Gor Rak (Txawm zoo li cas los hlub) starring Paul and Namfon P: uploaded by pebhaishmoob
Wimaarn Mung Korn (Tsim Nuj & Laslaj kev hlub) starring Pancake and Oil: uploaded by goong4u
Yeuy Fah Tah Din (Ua txhua yam vim yog tiv thaiv koj) starring Aum P. and Weir: uploaded by MAGNALIA18
Yok Lai Mae (Kev hlub yeej tag txhua yam) starring Janie Tienphosuwan and Rome: Uploaded by katethao
Unknown Thai Lakorn Tittle
Hlub koj kawg txoj sia starring Joy Siriluk and Tor: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Hlub nrog nkauj dab starring Kat English and Unknown: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Neeg zoo nraug: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Ua Zoo Tau Ntuj Ntoo starring IDK: uploaded by jasime7
Boran Lakorns
Bla Boo Tong (Kuv niam nyob qhov twg) starring Boy and Achara: uploaded by 0swtlilannie0
Kaew Nah Maa aka Horse Gurl (Nkauj nees quam ntuj txoj kev hlub) starring IDK: uploaded by yasmee2008
*Kwan Fah Nah Dum (Xob Taus Tooj Dub) uploaded by meteorgarden2008
Krai Thong (Vim Txoj Kev Ntshaw) starring IDK uploaded by txhuasijhawm
Si Yod Kumon (Plaub Kwv Tig Haub Tais) uploaded by goong4u
Prasuton Manorah starring Bee Matika and Boy Sapol: uploaded by 00starryxing00
Sung Thong (Tub Qwj Thiab Nkauj Ntxawm) uploaded by lorzoua
Sung Thong (Xam Thoos Txoj Kev Hlub) starring Mild and Nott: uploaded by goong4u
yes, i'm sure there was three version but i have no idea what their titles are...LOL...
i know for sure that the TNT version is call "Ncauj ntxub siab nyiag hlub" or something like that, then there's a Hmong Production version, and a EQ Production version as well, I think
Mia Jum Pen with Sawis and Numfon has been dubbed about 5 years ago. The original version is really good and the dubbed version is good too.are there any dubb on these three lakorn??
they already dub this lakorn to hmong, and i saw it at the new year, but i didn't bought it..lol...Does anyone know if "Sao Chai Hi-Tech" has been hmong dubbed? Please reply!! Love the Thai Lakorn Hmong-Dubbed List. I never knew there were so many!! I feel like I just opened a treasure chest!! :r-scene-pop-corn: