I do not believe in abortion at all.. The United States is doing the same thing today. We sacrifice our children in abortion clinics. We sacrifice them, not to the old idols of Molech and Chemosh, but to new idols called Money, Convenience and Career. There is no difference between the United States and the ancient countries of Ammon and Moab. We are as guilty as they were. Should God's wrath be any less for us than it was for Moab and Ammon, if we do not stop killing our children?
There are alternatives for pregnant women who do not want their babies. Adoption is one, counseling by priests, ministers, pastors, etc., is another. There are also private and public programs that offer housing and other resources to help pregnant women who don't have any money. They can help until the baby is born, and some programs will help even after the baby is born. Remember, God makes no distinction between a fetus and a born child. Why should anyone else?
God has told us to treat each other with respect, and to help each other through difficult times. And so, we need to reach out to the people who are thinking about having an abortion, and we need to offer our help, sincerely.
I want to see all of us go to Heaven. I want all of us to be ready for the return of Jesus.
If this writing has had an effect on you, and you can see that abortion is a terrible sin, and you have had an abortion - it is not the end of the world for you. Jesus will forgive you. Ask Jesus to forgive you and ask Jesus to come into your life.
When I asked Jesus to come into my life some years ago, I spoke from the heart and said something along these lines, if it helps:
"Jesus, I am a sinner. I ask you to forgive me of every sin I have committed throughout my life. I know you are the Son of God, and I need you, Jesus, to guide me through my life. Come into my life, Jesus, and guide me and make me one of your own."
I believe abortion is the killing of the innocent. I believe abortion is parents killing their own children. I believe that in the eyes of God, abortion is the biggest sin this world is committing today. Although the word abortion does not appear in the Bible, the following scriptures prove beyond a doubt that God looks at the fetus as a living child from the moment of conception. In the Bible, the Greek word brephos is often used of the newly born, infants, and other children. For example, in Acts 7:19, brephos refers to the children killed at Pharaoh's command. But in Luke 1:41,44, the same word is used for John the Baptist while he was yet a fetus in the womb, a pre-born infant.
The Hebrew word yeled is usually used to refer to children - a child, a boy, etc. But in Exodus 21:22, it is used of a child in the womb.
All of these scriptures and many others indicate that the Bible views a fetus as being as much of a person as it does a child or an adult. The scripture repeatedly assumes the continuity of a person from conception to adulthood. In fact there is no separate word used exclusively of a fetus that will permit it to be distinguished from an infant as far as its personhood and value are concerned.