Addressed To Kill || Ch.1 Updated 9.9.09


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Omg, this is a storyline that has repeatedly found it's way into my mind. I couldn't ignore it and had to start writing it. I wanted to finish my other ones first, but this one is really plaguing at my mind constantly hammering at it and telling me that I need to start it! This time no teasers because I don't want to give to much details away. I started writing it like a few weeks ago while I was busy with errands. I have a few chapters, but I'll be posting them a few at a time ;p I don't know what was up with this one, but everytime I tried to ignore it I kept having the storyline play in my head. While I'm driving, eating, and everything. I started to take notes. It was funny how I was out eating with the husband and suddenly a great plot or interesting part comes up and I quickly take it out and jot down my thoughts. Heck I bought and started carrying this in my purse for when I want to jot down notes!

Title subject to change


"You'll always be mines. I'll love you for as long as you love me. Without you I'll never be the same. Without you I mind as well die. If you ever lose your love for me or If you ever decide to walk away from me. I will haunt your heart as a vengeful ghost to pay you back for the sins you've committed against our love. If you fear my words it's because you feel your promises are empty. You are more then just the man I love; you are the cursed soul who will destroy all lives without my blessing. You will be the weapon that kills any other woman that is not me. Dead or Alive if my heart is destroyed by your hands I will make sure of it the woman you love most will perish just as my heart did."

Those were the words written on the letter that was found on her dresser table the last time he saw her. What would provoke her to write such a letter? What would provoke her to change so drastically? The most important question.

Where is she now?

Wanpadetch laid in bed thinking about that day he found the letter on her dresser. He had just gotten of the plane and was excited to see her. They had been apart more then 3 months because of his business trip to Bahli. He was planning to make the ultimate commitment and ask her to move in with him upon proposing to her. There was something missing about the picture. Something he didn't understand what had happened to her in the last 3 months that he was gone? What would cause her to write such scary things. The worst part to it all. The letter was addressed to someone other then him.

"Hey Det! You left your door unlocked moron." Rita said entering the home.
"What? So? Who would be so stupid to rob me?"
"Psh, self absorbed."
"What do you want?"
"Nothing, mom asked me to drop by and bring you some food. She said that you're probably starving since you can't cook and all."
"Hey Rita,"
"Do you think that..."
"Your thinking about her again?" Rita said with a tired look. She really felt pity for her brother. He loved her with his everything.
"Det, you need to let her go. She walked out on you. She was never in love with you. You read that letter the person in that letter was not you."
"Yeah, but what if.. what if.."
"What if what? The person that wrote that letter wasn't her? Why would anyone write such a scary message and address it to someone else? Unless they were seeing someone else behind their boyfriend's back." Rita said with a raised tone. Everytime this subject came up she was quickly annoyed. Annoyed by the fact that her brother loved this girl, but in return she had the nerve to stab him in the back. "You were there when your boss told us that the man in that letter admit to seeing her. He also admit to ..."
"Fathering her child. I know, but something just tells me that there is more. Something is telling me that ..."
"Det, if you continue to hold onto this then you'll never be able to fully let her go and move on with your life. Right now you are with someone who worships the ground you walk on. It's been 3 years forget her already."

"Det. Det. Det." A brief whisper called out to him. Det quickly turned around to see no one there. His eyes grew watery as he saw the image of her walking through those doors calling his name 3 times before he made it down the stairs the greet her. His love for her was still there. Even if he is soon to marry Ploy he couldn't get Yai Bua out of his mind.

As he walk towards the dining room to join his sister his phone rang.

"Hello, Wanpadetch speaking."
"Aunty Rosie?" Det responded recognizing the voice on the other line.
"Det..." Rosie continued to say with a shaky voice.
"You don't sound so good. Is everything ok? Is something wrong with Ploy?" He asked concerned.
"Nong Ploy, she... she's missing and has been for 2 months." Rosie said with a sobbing voice. Det's mind completely went blank and he dropped his phone in disbelief. Rita walked towards the living room to see her brother on the floor. She quickly ran over

"Det! Det! What's wrong."



sarNie Granny
whoa the first part was so scary....that letter is creepy, but i want to know who it was addressed to too.
YAY you brought the index card to jot down your ideas :D can't wait for more, Ploy went missing for 2 months---what a cliffhanger


Staff member
Chapter 1:

The ticking of the clock kept him awake. He wanted very much to close his eyes and go to bed, but the ticking kept him distracted. He's been lying in bed for nearly 5 hours unable to sleep. He kept his eyes on the ceiling. His head continued to remain blank. He tried to avoid thinking about Yai Bua and Ploy, but he couldn't. It's been 5 years since Yai Bua's disappearance and 2 Since Ploy vanished. He continued to think about the last day he saw Yai Bua. She was beautiful. She had on her purple knee length dress, and her hair was tied up into a braided ponytail. Purple really brought out her beauty.

Bua I miss you so much where are you? Please come back to me. He thought to himself as he closed his eyes. A drop of tear managed to drip down his cheek. He adored Ploy, but his love for Bua was undeniably strong. Although he had agreed to his parent’s terms to marry Ploy he was willing. Ploy was a wonderful woman and she was suitable enough to be his bride.

"Det, Det, Det, Det, can you hear me?" A meek voice cried out. His eyes opened to see his sister hovering over him.
“Rita how many times have I told you to not disturb me while I’m sleeping?” Det said turning to face the wall hoping to avoid meeting his sister’s eyes.
“Det come on I have a favor to ask.”
“What is it?”
“ I need someone to help me drive to the Pattaya this weekend.”
“Why does it have to be me?”
“Mom and Dad need’s Mark for the weekend.”
“Have one of your friends go with you.”
“Det, Det! Come on don’t be like this.”
“Rita come on I have to work.”
“Take the weekend off!”
“You want me to take a weekend off upholding the law?”
“No buts. If I take the weekend off to drive my sister to the Pattaya. How will that make me look in front of my men?”
“Ugh! Hmph! I hate you going back to work at the police station. I liked you better when you were a business man.”
“Rita come on I need to sleep. I have to work in the morning.”
“In the morning? What do you mean?! It’s morning already? See what I told you about this dark room. You need to open your shades every once in awhile.” Rita said walking over to the window. She pulled the shades open and the sunlight quickly invaded itself across his room and into his eyes.
“What time is it?” Det asked with a almost dry voice
“It’s 7:30.”
“7:30? I’ve have get dressed for work. So I will talk to you later” Det said getting up to push his sister out of the room.
“Det… De..”
“I’ll talk to you later tonight. If you listen to me maybe I’ll think about driving you this weekend.”
"I told you I'll talk to you later tonight or you can swing by and go grab lunch with me later, but right now you have to leave." Det said shutting the door in his sister's face.
"Det! Wait! Wait! I forgot to tell you. Mom and dad wants to know if you could pick up Pang later." Rita shouted through the door. Det immediately woke up from his grogginess and opened the door.
"What? She's coming home today?"
"Yeah. Mom and dad wants to know if you can pick her up. In other words you have to pick her up." Rita said with a smile.
"..Ri." Before Det finished his sentence he raised his eyebrows and scratched his head. "Rita, how.. about.. this weekend I will take you to the Pattaya if you pick Pang up for me today."
"Oh no. It's your responsibility! Besides I have plans."
"Plans? What's more important then your sister?"
"How about you?! What's more important then your sister? Why can't take off work for her?"
"Oh come on Rita. I have to work. You are planning to go shopping. Aren't you anxious to see her?"
"Pang is coming back from the States I'm pretty sure she brought back numerous beautiful gifts for you." Det said with a devious smile.
"Oh! You're right! Ok, I'll go pick her up; but you have to have to take me the Pattaya this weekend."
"Ok, Deal. Hey after you pick Pang up why don't you two meet me for lunch?"
"Ok. I'm pretty sure she's anxious to see her favorite brother." Rita said walking down the hall to her bedroom. Det shut the door and gave out a sigh of relief. He loved his sisters, but when it came to running errands and taking them places he wasn't the person for it. Although he missed Pang seeing her would have to wait. He was working on a very important case and it couldn't wait. This case could very well lead him to the mysteries behind Yai Bua's and Ploy's disapearance.

In the shower the water ran down his hair before it made it's way down his body. He kept his eyes closed to feel the embrace of the warm water in the morning. As he stood with his eyes closed memories made their way into his mind.

"Det! Det! Det!" Bua called out.
"Yes my love?" Det responded promptly this fiance's calls.
"I have something for you." Bua said approaching him.
"What is it?" He asked with a smile.Bua smiled and handed him a red box.Det opened it with a smile with a good clue of what was in it. Every time Bua handed him a box it was a watch. Every time she found a rare watch she bought it for him to add to his long collection of watches. Det opened the box and saw one of the most beautiful watches he had ever come across. It was one of the most rare watches of the century. In the last 2 centuries only 7 existed and one of them was in his hands.
"Bua? How did you get this? It must have costed a fortune. I can't accept it. You have to take it back."
"Don't worry Det. It's not as expensive as you think it is. It belonged to my grandfather. My mother just gave it to me this morning. She told me to take great care of it."
"And you're giving it to me?"
"As long as it's with the person I love most in this life then I know that it's being taken care of. As long as I take great care of you then I'll be taking care of this watch also."
"Taking care of me? Isn't the responsibility of taking care of anyone is me taking care of you?"
"You know what I mean."
"Bua, I love you." Det said giving her a kiss on the forehead. She blushed in embarrassment.
"Are you blushing? I wouldn't think I could see you blush underneath that very tan skin."
"Det!" Bua said hitting him in the head. Det laughed and grabbed her hands.
"I'm just kidding. You're completely beautiful" He said pulling her into his arms.
"Det, what are you doing?" Bua said breaking the hold.
"Bua, I'm going to be gone for 3 months. I'm going to miss you so much." Det said pulling her back into his arms. "Bua are you sure you don't want to go with me?"
"Det come on don't be such a child. You know I have to work too."
"Bua, I don't know if I can be apart from you for 3 months."
"Det, 3 months will pass by quickly."
"Bua, you promise to call and e-mail me everyday?"
"Yes, now quit worrying. Everything will be fine. I'll be at home waiting for you when you get back."
"At home waiting? Why not at the airport?"
"Silly." Bua said breaking the hold between them. "Remember, I will be busy with work and quarterly reviews by the time you get home."
"Bua, I love you."
"Ok, you're being awfully strange."
"I know, but I don't know why I'm just afraid to leave you."
"Don't worry. I'll be here when you get back. I'll call you, e-mail you, and chat with you everyday via msn."
"Bua, that's not enough. I really wish you would go with me. That way I'll feel more at ease. I'll ask someone to take over your work while we're gone."
"Det, come on. You know I'm really serious about work."
"Ok, ok." Det said holding her tightly. He was afraid to let her go. He was afraid that while is gone something would happen to her.

His fist felt as though it was crushed by a 50 Pound stone as he thursted it against the marble wall. Those memories killed him. If only he was persistent on her going with him then maybe she would have not had this outcome.

"Det!" a woman's scream passed his ears. He's been hearing strange whispers and calls of his names for nearly months and thought they were his hallucinations and memories of Bua's voice, but this time it was loud and clear. He couldn't have been hallucinating. This time it was clearly Bua's voice. He quickly turned around only to be disappointed. There was no one there. He quickly grabbed his towel and hopped out of the shower hoping that Bua was outside of his bathroom door. When he opened the door he was disappointed again to see Susie.

"Oh it's you."
"Oh? I'm just as excited to see you too." Ranchana said taking a seat on his bed. Ranchana was one out of the only women that Det permitted into his bedroom openly aside from his sisters and mother. She was his partner and best friend. They remained friends since childhood. Ranchana is Bua's older sister. Many people found that Ranchana and Det were compatible because the are always together and they shared interest in the same things. Although many people's opinion were that they belonged together Ranchana and Det knew it could never be. Ranchana like Det was attracted to women. She hadn't exactly came out of the closet to everyone else, but she had trusted Det with her secret. She feared being casted out by society. The fact that Ranchana was a lesbian wasn't as great of a reason as she was Yai Bua's older sister.
"No, I was ex..nothing. I jus.."
"You were expecting to see Bua when you opened the door."
"I I .. yeah."
"Det, you need to stop doing this to yourself. Bua's been gone for 5 years."
"Ran, you out of all people know that I can't."
"Oh come on. I'll introduce you a couple of pretty girls."
"Hah. Hey Ran what are you doing this weekend?"
"Nothing, I have a vacation this weekend. Why?" Ran responded. Det immediately pictured a brilliant plan in his head.
"Hey, Ran, Rita has to go to the Pa."
"I didn't even finish my sentence."
"Whatever it is No."
"Oh come on."
"I have a date this weekend."
"Date? What unlucky girl is it this time?"
"It's not a girl unfortunately. It's a cop Captain from another station. Our parents know each other and set us up. I couldn't say no."
"Who is it?"
"Puran Mahawannit."
"Puran? Wow your parents must be anxious for you to get married. I heard that the Mahawannit's has been trying to find a daughter in law for quite some time now."
"Really? Oh man. Maybe I should just ditch him and take Rita to the Pattaya."
"You better not. His family is very powerful. You don't want to shame them and make them lose face by standing up their only son."
"What? He's a spoiled brat too? Great. Just my luck." Ran said falling back on Det's bed. Det was busily getting dressed in his closet as Ranchana waited on him. Just as he stepped out of the closet his cellphone rang.

"Hey Cindy." Det answered as he recognized the number. Cindy was the other woman that was permitted to enter Det's room openly. She was his other best friend. She is the friend that is opposite from Ranchana. While Ranchana is similar to one of the boys; Cindy is more of the girly friend that he protects.
"Det, Do you have plans for lunch?" Cindy asked as Det answered her call.
"I'm meeting with Rita and Pang for lunch. Why? Did you need something?"
"Sort of... I kind of have this thing that I need to go to tonight and I was hoping that you could go shopping with me. I really don't know what to wear. I'm really freaked out."
"Freaked out? What kind of party are you going too?"
"It's not really a party. My parents are meeting with Teenai's parents tonight to talk about ..."
"Oh, Oh. Why don't you just go with Ran? Wouldn't she be better help since she's a girl too?"
"I tried, but she's not answering her phone...."
"But------." Before Det said that Ran was right there Ran quickly ran over to him and signaled no. "But, she should be at home wouldn't she?"
"I stopped by and they said she already left for work."
"Hmmmm, how about this, you could meet my sisters and I for lunch and I'll ask them to help you."
"Oh that would be Great!" Cindy said hanging up the phone. Det pulled the phone apart from his ears and looked at Ran confused.
"Since when are you avoiding Cindy?"
"I'm not, I just don't want to do boring shopping stuff. You know I'm not the shopping type. That's good that you'll get Rita and Pang to go with her."
"Jeeze, is that how you treat your future sister in law?"
"You know I love Cindy to death, but I will do whatever to avoid going shopping for dresses."
"Spoken like a true lesbian."
"Hey! Shhhh. Someone could hear you; and I'm a bit offended by that statement. Lesbians can too love shopping and buying girly things. The fact that I don't, doesn't have anything to do with me being a lesbian. So you need to lay off those kinds of statement! That's stereotyping!"
"Ok, jeeze!"
"I'll go wait for you downstairs and have a chat with Rita. Hurry up and finish getting dressed." Ran said leaving the room. After Ran had left Det closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

Det had moved back home since the day he found out about Ploy's disappearance. He simply couldn't be alone anymore. Although often he visited the house where he shared memories with Yai Bua. His parents begged him to sell it, but Det refused. He couldn't let go of that house. He knew one day that Yai Bua will return and the first place she will go is that house. Just as he opened the door and was about to walk through it he heard clear as a whistle.

"Det! Det! Det! Please Look at Me! Det! Det! De..." Screamed the voice from behind him. He knew that the voice was coming from his room. His ears were particularly one of the best feature of his senses. He quickly turned around only to see no one there. He knew someone was there. He knew that voice. It was definitely Bua's. Although Ran sounded like Bua. Det knew how to tell the difference.
"Bua? Bua?!" Det shouted throughout his room.
"Det!" The voice called out. It was starting to get faint.
"No. No. It's not Bua. Bua is still missing." Det said to himself. He refused to believe that Bua was in his room. In his room without her body. He didn't want to acknowledge the fact that maybe it was Bua's spirit calling his name.

Det, get a hold of yourself. There is no way that it's Bua's spirit. She's still alive. No one has found her body. Even if she was she wouldn't wait 5 years to start appearing to you. Det thought to himself as he shut the door to his bedroom
