~aiko's simple work~


Staff member
thanks ^_^... **sigh** im makin so much lol..

another quick update.. ^_^

<--- OMG... i'm killin myself with fics here lol >_<


Julie, stop with the FF posters! Everytime I see a new FF poster, you make me wanna read them! Lol. But I sure do love Rteam's FF poster! AH, Rome, that pic just totally melts my heart. Hehehe.


Staff member
thanks ^_^..

wahhhh im so happy!! i learned sumthin new ^_^.. but argh i still gotta learn n practice more ^_^..

my first attempt muahaha at gif.. but it's just the text hehe..

my second attempt... i used my aum banner... ^_^..

but i still gotta learn how to change the color... >_<


Staff member
my 7 more attempts lmao.. sigh.. im so sleepy.. laters ^_^..

seven days ^_^



Staff member
lol thanks rr ^_^... but argh im still not a professional >_<..

muahaha.. im killin myself with fics.. nooooo... >_<..

just 3 dif versions .. **whistles**



Staff member
thanks ^_^.. but omg.. ps is killing me >_<.. im taking in so much stuff n most of the time im just like blah.. >_<.. my head hurts now from ps.. **coughcough** looking at too much tutorials lol.. hehe..

fah **coughcough** i just learned it last nite lol.. gosh wat a headache i got from that lol.. *coughcough* i will make tutorials on that if im nice lol.. whooo.. what a pain >_<.. im still tryin to learn how to make the animated gif.. im more interested in that than the text lol...

donna ^_^ feel free ^_^..

another lil quick update >_<.. im quite blah rite now...



Staff member
thanks noy ^_^..

just messin around.. ^_^..

tried animated.. but still very... very confuse >_< just practicing >_<



Staff member
i love your RAIN BLINKY .. so cute and HOT ^^
as for the aum one, can't explain .. except :drool: LOl

keep up the fever for all my men ^^