~aiko's simple work~


Staff member
i tried to use ps once in awhile only now... my mom gets mad at me for staying up so late on the weekends.. i dont go to sleep until like 3 - 4 am and i wake up at like 2 - 3 pm lol.. gosh im so lazy these days lol.. hahah thank goodness my cuz dont have ps on her comp.. i'll be usin it 24/7 hehe.. so i only use it at home when i come back.. lol... iono i tried to go on fb but it just kept sayin its disabled for me.. so im just like ??? i sent a msg to it too but still no reply so im just like wat the hay.. lol.. im so tired these days rr... school is so boring... argh ...


sarNie Granny
i tried to use ps once in awhile only now... my mom gets mad at me for staying up so late on the weekends.. i dont go to sleep until like 3 - 4 am and i wake up at like 2 - 3 pm lol.. gosh im so lazy these days lol.. hahah thank goodness my cuz dont have ps on her comp.. i'll be usin it 24/7 hehe.. so i only use it at home when i come back.. lol... iono i tried to go on fb but it just kept sayin its disabled for me.. so im just like ??? i sent a msg to it too but still no reply so im just like wat the hay.. lol.. im so tired these days rr... school is so boring... argh ...
LOL i was like that too, always on ps, but now i'm on it once in a while, until something inspires me, and right now it's MKKW :wub:
WOW, I would go to sleep at 3-4, most nights aahahah but i usually wake up around 10-ish AM on weekends, but i have to wake up around 6:30 AM during school days.
awwwwww i'm on FB most of the time now. sad that you can. but sometimes FB is just so UGH.
I'm tired too, but just hang on :D spring break isn't that far away ^^


Staff member
some new stuff i made i made like a week ago... and recently... enjoy ^_^ im still very plain ^_^



Staff member
thanks ^_^ here are newer stuff i made .... argh i cant upload stuff.. photobucket is doing a site maintanence.. >_< so i only have these up 4 now... enjoy ^_^
