yeah the most scandal...idk whos telling truth and what not but baitoey is a fake lol thats all I have to say from what i see bc ppl on IG have been screencapping Baitoey telling her fans to go bad mouth ple Irin [the lady in pink with woody up there] but when reporters ask her, she claims she never did anything like that and blah blah lol
from what i remember, I think it started when ple pplayed in a movie with Man [Baitoey bf] and Ple claims that Man asked her to sleep with him. Of course Man denied and Baitoey took her bf side and I think things turned bitter there.
recently Baitoey and Ple were supposed to be in a movie together and according to Ple who went on Woody talk show , she said that she was pulled out bc Baitoey told her agent that if Ple is gonna be in a movie same as her, she will withdraw herself. Of course according to Ple, her agent is gonna take her baitoey side and had Ple pulled out. On the day of the fitting, Ple said that the staff had her wait in the car for 3 hours bc Baitoey didnt want Ple inside the same building as her. Ple was fed up and got out and went inside the building and wanted to confront Baitoey but thats when reporters went cray cray lol and staff didnt want Ple near baitoey. In the end, the movie was cancelled lol, no one got to be in it
Woody is getting bash himself bc alot of ppl were saying that he wasnt being neutral when interviewing Ple but sounded like he was on baitoey side. He even held a press conference today apologizing ple
idk how accurate my summary is but its somewhat along that line lol.