Are you a spender or a saver?

i'm both actually. when it comes to my money, i'm definitely a saver...i rarely spend any on myself, let alone others (yes...that came out sounding selfish) but when it comes to other people's money, i'm the biggest spender you'll encounter! lol! :D


money well saved and well spent. but i love bargains for the buck! like vina lek! :D

how'd u get the wii for 50 bucks? u mean the game console or um the cd? lol
the console. I went & bought 2 the week before christmas. Turned around and sold the other one for almost twice the price which made my baby brother's wii $50. I know. Bad. Bad. But oh, the lengths I go to for my baby brother, but I refuse to pay retail or inflated prices myself... :lol:


I am more of a saver - being that I am a full time student living on my own and work full time also. My budget is tight but reasonably so. I can't run out and buy the latest stuff. I save my money for the "just-in-case-something-happens" situation. I don't live with the parents anymore, so I am on my own and saving money is the wisest thing to do, I think. Until I graduate with a great nursing job somewhere in the U.S., then I won't be so conscious about money. But for the time being, I have to be conscious about what I spend my money on. Not being cheap - I am being reasonable and conscious. If ANY one of you live by yourself and you're a student working full time, then you would understand.