i read it wrong. my bad, that i will apologize for.. but i think nongmam know why these stupid things always get turn into a big thing, we have haters and we have defenders, the haters will jump at every chance to make negative comments on her and the defender will jump at every chance to defend her (it's the same with every star.. once you get it in your head to hate them, you go into all their thread, no matter the topic, and make offensive or talking in a not so nice way about her, and once you get it in your head to love, you will defend).. i mean if it's stupid then why the heck are we talking about it in the first place.. why do people always assume that they can say something and no one will comment on it.. if you dont want to go into an arguement or debate with someone then dont give them the door to debate.. and if you do, just know that someone will debate.. no fans are mute, especially me..
also i wasnt feeling that i was in teh hot seat.. trust me if i felt that way.. i would definately call you out.. i dont beat around the bush.. it's just unfortunate that i have alot to say... people just hate to hear it most of the time then they say i'm "being defensive and arguementive" lol..... but i became "arguementive or defensive" as you guys called it

because greensmurf you actually did refer directly to me.. it didnt offend me but just making it known what you think about me jumping to aum's defense.. then natesen came along and did the same thing.. am i right or am i wrong? you didnt state to people in general you went "natty" ... so i reply.. now all of a sudden natty is in a hot seat :lmao: gosh priceless..
and nongmam.. you said i pick at little things.. your little thing might not be my little thing and vice versa.. i mean come on.. you as well as others know that we ALL pick at little things.. which is why things started and it expand..
i just find if people ask for me to respect other's opinion, which i believe i do.. how am i not? because i pick at the little things and argue about it? because i don't agree with them? because i dont keep quiet? then why not give me the same respect? dont ask for it if you dont want to give too..
bottom line, thread are started for people to reply, and those reply will get reply to... it will be both disagreeing and/or agreeing.. if you want only agreeing please state so.. if somehow you did offend someone (stars are someone too), just be aware that someone (their fans) will come along and defend them.. i expect it of you to do so for your star.. so expect others to do so for their stars...
seriously.. dont you think it's quite boring when people just dont bring valid points or any opposing points to the table?
ok everyone i give up *bow*.. lol i'm out of fuel.. we're all just going to repeat ourself... thank you for all your views and allowing me to speak my mind too.. til next time in a new aum thread okies

i have a hunch that we will meet in there again