first of all, bank of america is a bad credit card to get. since they are the top bank they also charge you like crazy after your apr is up. if you are going to transfer money, make sure to pay it off before april (that is when your free apr ends). once the free apr is over, the percentage will vary from person to person. like, if you have another promotional apr besides the 0.0%, then it will be lower. however if you do not have another promotion, it usually goes to the standard rate of 24-28% of what you owe. that's A LOT. but hey, it's bank of america. they know they are big so they do whatever they want. i mean, other banks are like that too, but bank of america is a little more heartless and strict. for example, if you end up having fees after the first time courtesy waive, you probably won't be able to get those fees reversed...even if it is not your fault. they only reverse like one time...the first time. after that, good luck.
also, for every time you transfer money, they charge a transaction fee on top of the apr fee. i think it's like $10.00...maybe more.
in terms of monthly payments, that will depend on how much you owe in your transfer. if it's just 100-200 dollars, your payment will only be like around $10-15. but, i must warn you. that is another trick. they purposely put it that low because they want the money you owe to sit until your apr promotion is over. after the promo is over, you will be charged so much. so basically what i'm trying to say is look at the long run rather than the short run. thinking only about the monthly will not save you from later troubles.
i hope this helps. talking from experience. i have a debt right now. they hooked me in and i'm still trying to clear my troubles. i just wanted to let you know in advance.