awww..Nikki, how does it feel when u see ur star watching a clip u did of her...hahahahI felt weird when Porshe was watching the clip I made for him of his for his fanmeeting
thip, i load my prepaid phone for out a hundred bucks so i can talk to Erich and greet her. but the contact number of Helen was error and couldn't be called. >.<"
it was at the program yesterday that all the design stuff they're seeing is courtesy by me. it was mentioned and also Helen told Erich personally that i was the one who made it and she showed my message to her.
i am in fact don't want be piss or sadden about the money i spent for the prepaid. because Erich's real birthdate is on September 20. i am planning to release my personal artwork and video that really came from me.
because the video i did and the banners i did for the party, it reflects to the whole fanclubs Ericholics, Cheries, Solid EriChong and Erich Gonzales Int'l.
i will release my personal artworks LATER MIDNIGHT til it turns september 20.
regarding what i felt after Erich saw my work... i smile and because already normal to me that most of my fave celebs knows my artwork. Erich knows that i am the one who made some of my artwork, that goes the same with Jake and Cristine who knows that i got artworks of them.
i think one thing i really appreciate most is that there other people still haven't seen my artworks... so when they saw and commented it gives me motivation.
like what i did to the video, a lot of people found out already and i received good comments. it gives me motivation.