Brian & Pa's performance


sarNie Adult
i don't know how the hell i found this
i don't remember what i was watching
but this appeared as one of the related videos
so.. since somebody wanted to see it..
here it is.. lol

click here.


sarNie Egg
her voice is high and squeaky. his voice...i heard better.

who is he? does he have albums out or something?


sarNie Egg
her voice is high and squeaky. his voice...i heard better.

who is he? does he have albums out or something?
I agree. Her voice is too squeaky, high and scary. It's sweet but honestly it's too scary. Get off stage... Brain, I think I heard better vocal... They must love eachother tooooo much...


sarNie Granny
actually, she goes to Chico state but she lives in Orville...not Chico


sarNie Hatchling
her voice is kind of cute but annoying in a way!
i didnt watch the whole clip... maybe it got better or worst...
I dont know...