Burning from YOUTUBE

does anyone know if it's possible to burn the videos from youtube.com onto a dvd? if it is possible, how? could someone please share how i could burn from youtube? i'd really appreciate it...thanks! :)

Pure Azn

sarNie Hatchling
yes u can lol, well theirs 2 ways i know of, use a program called VeohTv to dl the movie, or some video screen recorder program, i wudnt suggest wanting videos from youtube, the video quality is horrible but if u wanted it i wud recommend those and to burn them to dvd, use the program "convertxtodvd" that i uploaded long ago lol, it will convert most video files to dvd files and cud have a custom menu screen of ur choice, nyways i hope this answers ur question :p


sarNie Juvenile
I have this amazing little extension on FireFox called DownloadHelper, and whenever you go to a site, it points out all the things you can download. You can download anything from pictures, songs, to videos.