pleang sney
today, some ppl come visit my mum and then they talking about the fact that the tendancy of right now is to buy his wife or her husband...but what is really amazing is the fact it's not khmer ppl live in rich country who buy them but it's khmer live in CAmbodia who do it.... :loool: i'm really surprise to heard that but i was more when i heard that they buy a hus or a wife in usa or europe...they do everything themselves and then they add money ...they give to the one they buy 10 000 to 50 000 $ and it's only for the wedding.... OMG they just need a hus to come live here and then it's thx and bye bye +money :loool: ahaha now it's ppl live in Cambodia who has more money than ppl live in rich country....i think it's a great things because now when they come here they are not the slaves of anyone and then we can't say that it's for's just for livee here and bring their fortun here ^_^ but if one day someone from cambodia purpose u to give u money if u marry with them..will u accept it or deny it?