Buy a wife or husband

today, some ppl come visit my mum and then they talking about the fact that the tendancy of right now is to buy his wife or her husband...but what is really amazing is the fact it's not khmer ppl live in rich country who buy them but it's khmer live in CAmbodia who do it.... :loool: i'm really surprise to heard that but i was more when i heard that they buy a hus or a wife in usa or europe...they do everything themselves and then they add money ...they give to the one they buy 10 000 to 50 000 $ and it's only for the wedding.... :p OMG they just need a hus to come live here and then it's thx and bye bye +money :loool: ahaha now it's ppl live in Cambodia who has more money than ppl live in rich country....i think it's a great things because now when they come here they are not the slaves of anyone and then we can't say that it's for's just for livee here and bring their fortun here ^_^ but if one day someone from cambodia purpose u to give u money if u marry with them..will u accept it or deny it?


sarNie Egg
i know of a few who has done this. for the guys dang they got pretty wives from cambodia. the one kid he's freakin younger than me and was gonna marry this grl for the money but they fell in love (wrote back n forth online). they married and is happy that what i heard.

i'm just lost on how the heck cambodians have that much money. personally i don't think america is all that great. but having a FAT check coming every month HELL YEAH :w000t: give me any dude ROFL... :lmao:

is this when the mortal value crap comes in place if so think about it all u have to do is marry them and watever the law is but i have heard of some ppl not getting the cash so becareful.
i've heard that happen alot... it's happen to me where some ladies where they were my mom's friends they were gonna pay me to go marry their nephews in cambodia... i was like no and then i heard this sad story wen i went to cambodia... this really pretty grl this guy came from america to marry her and they did get marry and he got her body but it's been like 5 yrs and he still hasn't come for her... i felt really bad for her wen i heard her friends tell me that.... cause he like took the money and her body and left her there.


sarNie Adult
this happen alot... i see a couple of people doing this and some says no or yes... or it can be the parents itself, who will force their child for it.. i knew one who was force to marry someone from srok khmer, but she always says no. but now havent heard anything about them... as for me maybe i will, but need to get to know that person because ur going to spend some time with them... LMAO... GOOD LUCK WHO EVER BUYS IT..


sarNie Adult
LOL Jeez I know I shouldn't laugh, but man..... my friend was actually gonna get paid to bring a girl to the States.... but they were going to keep it strictly business. Like not even living in the same household once all paperworks are done. So the situation would work out perfectly. Guy gets money, girl gets green card. If only it was that easy.


SarNworld Wonderer
I'd say it's an investment to get to the states then they'll work to get more money than they spend...

people want to get out of Cambodia for various reasons n to the states for better opportunity...I guess...

so it's not like they really richer than ppl in America...necessary

some gather all the money they saved to have a chance to fake marriage n get out...

If I were to offer money for that reason now...I wouldn't agree to it for many is that I'm still a student on finiancial aid


sarNie Granny
i was offer $30,000 from a guy dat live in cambodia . Fake marraige of course . I might do it .. .lolz
no no don't do it... u have to be like married to that person for like 5 yrs... and wat about u meet the love of ur life during that time.... then that guy's gonna have to wait for the 5 yrs to be over or there's ppl that creep but wow i was offered the same amount too... i think it's crazy.


sarNie Adult
LMAO.... well, imma have to agree with owwee_its_leelee.... if u meet who u love, ur going to be like... AH DAMN!!!! but wow sarn... lol... thats alot of greens there... ill be like chick ching... LMAO....


sarNie Hatchling
I have a feeling that my mom is setting me up for this too. She made me apply for a US citizenship, and she's been talking to people from Cambodia. Now that I think about it, I would be okay with it. This way, I 'm helping a fellow Khmer come to this country for a better life and getting paid for it. Even though if meanging that I have to stay married to that person for 5 years to complete the process. That would give me more time to enjoy my single life 'cause I'm not ready for a serious marriage untill I'm in my 30's.


sarNie Granny
if i do it now OMG i be old in 5 more year ! I haven't meet anyone i love yet but if i do and it during the time I'm doing a fate marriage with someone.... Yeah , my mom told me it no biggie i still can get marry just don't sign the marriage paper LOL . From the outside i have two lover . One a husband and other is a bf . Sound wild already but if i get pay $30,000 .. it hard to say no Lolz
it's true u don't have to sign the marriage papers i think... i duno but to me the idea of marrying someone i don't know for money is not good.... unless they're gonna be like my house jpjp


sarNie Hatchling
I know a couple people who've done this, and it's worked out -- strictly business. I've seen a lot more success in Australia than in the US though. I've also seen it blow up in people's faces.

My mom asks me once in a while -- I think (hope!) as a joke -- and I'm always, like, no. Ain't no money in the world worth that kind of potential mess. People refusing to get divorced, INS finding out that it's all a front...nuh uh.


sarNie Egg
I’m really against this fake marriage! I see too many people where I live going to Cambodia just to marry someone that they don’t even know for the money. These days you don’t even know if people are just doing this for love or the green card. Yeah no offense to anyone who is doing this for the money, but don’t forget there’s always a down side to everything. Yeah it’s ok for a guy to have a fake marriage with a girl because he doesn’t have to lose anything. A girl would be a disgrace to their family and friends if she lose her virginity for nothing. And yes there’s a chance you can end up falling in love too. Love is too confusing and unexplainable. Enough said lol.


sarNie Hatchling
:D I actually met my "true love" at Cambodia...I'm going to get married next year...and its not for money... <_<


sarNie Adult
Samwhy said:
I have a feeling that my mom is setting me up for this too. She made me apply for a US citizenship, and she's been talking to people from Cambodia. Now that I think about it, I would be okay with it. This way, I 'm helping a fellow Khmer come to this country for a better life and getting paid for it. Even though if meanging that I have to stay married to that person for 5 years to complete the process. That would give me more time to enjoy my single life 'cause I'm not ready for a serious marriage untill I'm in my 30's.


sarNie Egg
If you guys were in my situation.. what would you have done?
aite this is my story. i went to srok khmer about a month ago knowing that my parents were trying to get me to do the fake marriage. I just thought to myself that my parents are not going to force me so I wouldn't have to worry. And they didn't force me... but they made me feel bad about it for not helping my cousin come to the States.

We went to visit my mom's side of the family and they all lived on the countryside. At first everyone gathered to my uncle's house and it was fun n all until they became all serious and asking me if i can help bring my cousin to the states. I couldn't say anything.. i was just speechless. my aunt and uncle just kept begging me and crying.. it was so tense.

I had to speak up for myself though.. I couldn't do it and I didn't know how to answer to them either. But I said that I can't and they all wanted a reason. Personally I don't know If i'm selfish or if i have my own standards. My reasons: its a big committment.. i mean you have to deal with it for like 5 yrs and like someone said.. there's always a downfall..the guy (cousin) seems to have mixed feelings about me and I don't want him to get the wrong idea or anything like that (they say the more attached you are to a person.. the harder to let go [does that make sense?]) i can never have that kind of feelings to someone related.. that's just sick.. eww
i dunno.. I just can't allow myself to do THAT. it just makes things so complicated

but yea for that whole month i kept wondering if i made the right decision.
my parents were upset because they promised my uncle 6 yrs ago.. that long.. my cousin ran away because he was too embarrassed.. but he came back tho
but if i were to say yes.. i would hate myself

on the other hand.. i do agree that fake marriage is the only method that can help cambodians live in the U.S and I'm happy for those who came and supported their family in cambodia, however i could never force myself to do that. i'm a girl and i care about my image - marriage is a big thing to me and i don't want to get married for money


sarNie Adult
lorrin, thats true about marriage... and yes, its kinda hard to do it when you dont like the person, but sorry to ask... is this cousin by blood? if yah, OH BOY! but first of all, did u guys talked it out before? for what i think, do what u think whats right for u.


sarNie Egg
yak said:
lorrin, thats true about marriage... and yes, its kinda hard to do it when you dont like the person, but sorry to ask... is this cousin by blood? if yah, OH BOY! but first of all, did u guys talked it out before? for what i think, do what u think whats right for u.
yeah he's my blood cousin. crazy right? and my parents promised his family like 6 yrs ago and i always said that i won't do it.. but no one ever listens to me anyways.